

Joan walked outside the carriage a little bit dizzy. Caressing his head as he tried to relieve his headache.

Just outside, he saw his horse Priscilla that was in the grassy plains. Eating fresh grass in the hills from afar.

Joan saw a bonfire just on the side of the carriage and a skewered rabbit was in the fire. Immediately, Isaias offered him to sit by the fire. Illuminating their faces with yellow radiance as they sat there.

Joan sat with haste and found comfort for his butt to rest. Regaining strength as he looks by the fire. As he was staring at the hanged raw meat of a rabbit, he noticed that it was still not yet seasoned with spices.

Immediately, Joan took the initiative to pour pepper and salt into it. Rotating the meat while doing so.

Isaias chuckled as he saw Joan doing his stuff. He stared at the fire and was then struck with a premonition.

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