
Actions breed consequences


Any voice that had been wreaking havoc in my mind ceased the moment her lips touched mine. Her delicate frame relaxed into mine. Her delicate frame relaxed into mine and my arms came up to wrap around her, rolling her onto her back. Her smile was infectious as her dark as oil hair splayed out around her face. Blissful silence and a wave of calm overtook me as I returned her kiss. Pushing myself up to look at her I balanced on my hands. This magnificent girl who was much more than she appeared was smiling warmly up at me.

"Well well princess, I think you may have a thing for me."

Her eyes narrowed at the edges like they always did when I teased her on anything she did.

"And if I do…will you reject me?" she tossed back.

As a chuckle escaped me at the thought of ever refusing this woman ever again her hand found my arm and my sleeve bunched up around the elbow. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed black lines snaking their way up my arm and under my sleeves like spindly ivy vines creeping up the side of a wall. Shifting my weight so that my sleeve fell back to cover my skin I turned my attention back to Misaki. I watched her for many minutes before lowering myself to kiss first her left eyelid and then her right, being sure to be careful of the irritated cut still marring her face. My mouth then hovered over hers, simply savoring the forbidden moment between us.


I heard nothing but our rushed breaths on the nighttime air as we lay tangled. My mind was drunk from his presence and his kiss. I had wondered over time, what the feel of his lips against mine would be like. I never imagined such a scorching fire that rooted itself in my belly. I wished to remain beneath him forever. But all too quickly, he pulled back, his shoulders caving and trembling. He was on his feet in seconds after that, holding out his hands for me to take. He hauled me to my feet and pushed my tangled hair behind my ear. As he turned, we took in a view that both of us knew well.

Cherry Blossom trees forever in bloom, calm clear water traveling beneath the extensive red moon bridge. I blinked hard to clear my double vision brought on by the blinding light. In the center of the bridge, again stood Ama in all her glory and beauty, smiling over at us. I felt Chi grip my hand tighter as he pulled me forward and onto the wooden bridge. I stared in admiration of her as we got closer to her. She lowered herself to first place her forehead against Chi's and then did the same to mine. I felt a great need to bow, as was customary within all her shrines and temples. She turned to me, her eyes the same startling color as mine and took both of my hands.

"It is wonderful to see you again, Misaki. I sincerely apologize for all that you have been through on my account."

"Are you truly my mother?"

Her smile whisked all breath from my lungs. "Yes. I am afraid that everything you have seen and heard was the truth."

"But the empress…" my heart sank, and I grew suddenly nauseous. Amaterasu's fingers were warm and soft as a peacocks feathers as they found my upper arms.

"The late Empress remains your mortal mother. She gave birth to you in the mortal realm. Something I could not do. I am mother to your eternal soul. You carry a piece of my eternal essence. Only a soul born of a gods essence can harbor the power. Normal human beings incarnations cannot handle it. No ordinary vessel can hold the light of the sun."

"the light of the sun?" Chi questioned.

She nodded once. "The sword she conjured in the heat of your battle for your lives, it was one of the three imperial regalia of Japan; Kusanagi."

"But I thought that you'd heard my prayer for your help and sent the blade."

"I did hear your prayer sweet child, but so had the sword. Kusanagi has been missing for over a thousand years. It was known to many as the Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds."

"Ame-no murakumo-no-Tsurugi," Chi muttered beside me.

Waving her hand atop the other the same sword appeared in her hands. "Kusanagi chooses its master. It has the right to accept or reject the will you impose upon it. If accepted, it will protect you, and only be used by you in your lifetime."

All of this was much to take in at a moment's notice and I needed time to arrange my thoughts. I sensed Chi before he neared me.


My eyes remained fixed forward. "Just what have we gotten ourselves into Chi? I…"

As he frequently had a talent for doing, he knew my words before I spoke them.

"Are confused. Mind altered, overwhelmed."

"What do I do with a sword? One with a mind of its own at that. I've never even used one before today!"

He chuckled, nudging me. "You could have fooled me." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, but I had no idea what I was doing." "So, learn," he cooed.

Amaterasu's light washed over us as she approached. "Misaki, there is something you must know. Within Yomi, you controlled Kusanagi. But with controlling that vast power, it in turn woke your own. Your eternal essence is new and untamed. If you do not learn to control it, it will hurt those around you."

She motions to my face and the injury caused by Susanoo. Warmth flooded my skin from where she lay her hand. And when she lowered it again, there was no trace of a cut to be found.

"amazing," I commended. "Thank you."

She gave a slightly contented smile before relaxing her hands at her sides once more. "My child, I am afraid that you have a choice you must make. I can return you home, and wipe all memory and knowledge of the gods, what happened, and what you are from your memory, living a normal human life. Or, you may come live with me for a time, allowing me to teach you everything you will need to know about the heavenly realm and your power."

My eyes found Chi-sans face as she spoke her ultimatum. His look was one of concern for me.

"How long do I have to decide?" I asked hesitantly.

She cast her eyes down. "On the sunset of the third day, I will return to you. As for now, I will return you both back to the Emperor. If you please…" she gestured back the way we'd came.


As I move to follow Misaki Ama's hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. I halt in my tracks, allowing Misaki to travel out of earshot.

"Chi-san, I must thank you. You have traveled so far and sacrificed so much to protect her. But I know of the curse. I see how you fight against it when around Misaki. I also know of the demon blood consuming every living thing in your system."

My head snapped in her direction. "Do not tell her…" I warned.

"This is not my information to tell. But you will need to know what awaits you moving forward. The curse will consume you, turning you deadly and unpredictable. The demon blood will consume any remaining human emotion."

Tears well and my chest takes on an ache as I watch Misaki strolling to the end of the bridge, admiring the warmth and beauty of this place we never truly got to see.

"She loves you, Chi-san."

My eyes closed with the goddesses words.

"for her sake, you must let her go. The two of you stand on opposite ends of this bridge now. She is the light, while you are the dark."

Clenching my fists tightly, I cleared my throat and composed my expressions.

"When I took the Muramasa, I did so knowing what it would cost me. I assume you knew even before I had, what decision I would make. How else would you get her to yourself in the end? You could not afford for her to fall in love." I scoffed in realization. "because you knew that if she did, she would choose her heart over your own wishes. Quite clever I must say. But then again what are the gods if not clever tricksters."

Silence. I loathed being right.

"No matter, I will do what I must to protect her."

"I have given you both three days. That is all I can spare, for in three days the blood will consume you and you will forget ever knowing Misaki."

I took up stride again, walking away from her. "You have won the battle for her Amaterasu; I relinquish her to you now. But I swear to you, I will not lose the war."

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