

"Where did you get that horse, boy?" Paco met Jacob right away at the door as the latter secured the animal to the post.

"Nice house, Paco," Jacob replied and met the only father-figure he knew.

After a quick hug, Paco asked, "Have you eaten lunch yet?"

Jacob shook his head. "I'm quite hungry as a matter of fact," he answered, then his stomach growled. "See?"

They both laughed at the same time, "Come in then. Is this all you have?" he said as he motioned to one pack that Jacob was holding.

"This is plenty. You know I do not require much," he responded as Paco led him to his house.

Paco took his pack and placed it on the settee nearby. "I'll show you your room later on. You have to try my daughter's cooking. She cooked chicken ginger broth soup. It's quite tasty especially if you pair it with rice. Come on," he said and directed him to the dining table.

"Hello," a young girl placing a big bowl of chicken soup on the table greeted him. "My name is Angelique. I'm ten years old," she introduced herself.

Jacob smiled as he sniffed the aromatic smell of the ginger mixed with moringa leaves, garlic, young papaya, and chicken. His stomach growled some more. "Nice to meet you, Angelique. I am--"

"I know who you are. You are Jacob Alon. Father spoke of you and Stella ALL the time," she said and adorably rolled her eyes, "... you're practically family."

Jacob chuckled and looked at Paco, "She sure is a little firecracker, isn't she?"

Angelique crossed her arms and tapped her little foot, "Well… what are you waiting for then? The food is getting cold. Let's eat," she said then sat down.

Jacob sat across Angelique while Paco took his spot at the head of the table. After saying grace, Jacob immediately sipped a spoonful of soup. He closed his eyes as the warm gingery delectable soup made its way to his stomach.

Angelique giggled. Jacob opened his eyes immediately. She was watching him the entire time.

"It's better if you pour the soup on the rice and eat it that way," she suggested.

Jacob followed her suggestion and after three spoonfuls, he told her, "Are you sure you are the one who cooked this?"

One of her eyebrows raised automatically. "Uh-huh. I am amazing like that. You have to get used to it," she said and beamed. After that, she began eating too.

Paco looked at his daughter in awe, "Didn't I tell you in the letters? My daughter is the best cook there is!"

"Father exaggerates most of the time. But, that one he got right," she answered.

Jacob could not help but chuckle. "I like you," he said.

"Well, good. Because the feeling is mutual. I think you will be an excellent big brother. I've always wanted one. As long as you refrain from ordering me about, we would be alright. You see, I already do a lot in this house. I am not your slave so make sure you clean up your own mess at least in your room," she told him with no bashfulness in her voice.

"Yes, little miss. I'll engrave what you said in my brain," Jacob agreed.

Paco let out a small laughter as he observed the small exchange that was going on between Jacob and Angelique. Then, he remembered something. "Where did you get the horse?"

"It was given to me by a lady I saved from it. The horse almost threw the lady off! It was her horse. The lady's name is Yazmine," Jacob replied right away.

Angelique's mouth gaped wide open, "You met Lady Yazmine? You just got here!"

Jacob scrunched his forehead, "Why? Are you two acquainted?"

Angelique shrugged her shoulders, "We haven't met yet but she has quite a reputation around here because of the nature of her birth."

"What do you mean by that? She seems to be a very nice lady," Jacob replied.

"Oh she is," Angelique quickly agreed. "She's the King's daughter after all."

"So she's a princess?" Jacob inquired but remembered she was unattended.

Angelique shook her head, "Not really. Yes, she's invited to attend all the royal affairs. But, she's never introduced as one of them. She even lives in a manor… more of a big cottage outside the palace. You see, her mother was a lowborn and a foreigner… I think she was from Hapones. Thus, she will never be considered royalty."

"I see… no wonder she said something about someone wanting her gone," Jacob replied.

Paco nodded, "That woman had escaped several attempts on her life already. She's quite skilled in that matter."

"Who wants her dead?" he suddenly grew curious. "The royal family?"

Paco shook his head, "No, I don't think so. Probably one of the nobles or the lords she offended. Lady Yazmine speaks her mind and her father listens to her, so the other lords see her as a threat."

"What is the King doing about it?" Jacob asked. "She's still his daughter."

"That's why he forbade her to live inside the palace grounds. It was for her safety. The further she is from the throne, the less threat she becomes. Does that make sense?" Paco explained.

Jacob shook his head, "Not really. If you really want to protect someone, don't you need to make sure the person is within your reach?"

Paco swallowed his food before answering, "Sometimes, there's safety in the distance. Especially, if we are talking about the horrors in politics."

Angelique let out a big sigh, "Oh well, let's change the topic before it gives a bitter taste to my cooking. So, when does your training begin?" she asked Jacob.

"The order said to report as soon as I get situated. I'll go first thing in the morning," he answered.

"Are you excited?" Paco asked.

Jacob took a drink before responding, "It's my life's dream to be a navy. Of course, I am. I can't wait til tomorrow."

"Very well. I still have time then. After you eat, I shall show you around," Angelique declared.

Jacob shook his head, "I have a map. I think I can find my way."

Angelique narrowed her eyes, "But does your map tell you where you can find the most delicious food in the city? No, right? Plus I need someone to hold my bags when I shop at the market. You could at least do that much. After all, you're eating and lodging here for free," she sassed.

"Ha! Not for long! After I begin my service, I will have a salary. You might even depend on me to give you an allowance," Jacob retorted.

"I hold you to that promise then," Angelique agreed.

"What promise? I don't remember giving you a promise," Jacob answered.

"My allowance! You just said that I should depend on you for my allowance. You can't take that back now! Huh, Father?" Angelique said and looked at Paco.

Paco laughed with glee in response.

Who missed Angelique?

Yazmine is Eric's half-sister...

Eric and Jacob meets in the next chapter.

The rivalry begins!

Thank you friends for reading.

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