

The last place he took me was a garden. The leaves of the trees were moist. Prime Minister Boyt told me that they're always moist! As a matter of fact, they do not need to water any of their plants because they retain moisture. I looked around and saw that ALL the flowers had pearls in the middle where the pollen was supposed to be. I turned to Boyt in amazement.

He chuckled, "Yes, all the flowers here bloom pearls. Do you like Palavana?"

I nodded my head without thinking.

"Very well. Then, you won't have any problem fitting in," he responded to my nods.

I quickly looked at him to disagree. However, when I turned around he was staring up as if he was longing to get out of the city under the sea.

"You must want to get out of here?" I asked instead.

He smiled and shook his head. The Prime Minister is very handsome indeed. Why would he marry someone so forcibly? I'm sure there should be plenty of beautiful women around here who would gladly throw themselves at his feet. But, why me?

"My twin brother is out there somewhere," he said, then looked at me. His grey eyes glinted with genuine joy as he talked about his brother.

"Your brother?" I asked.

He nodded, "Meltzar. Like me, he knows most of the secrets of the sea. He's an adventurer, you know. He said he wanted to become the pirate king. Do pirates even have a king?"

Upon hearing the word 'pirate', I suddenly missed Jacob. If there should be a Pirate King, it should be MY Jacob! Although, Captain Jeu will be a great contender for the title, too! Even Sandlot could be if he surpasses Jacob. But that won't be yet, not by a long shot.

"That was his heart's desire. You see, my brother and I, just like Ezekra, we are immortals. We have been living for so long. One day, Ezekra told us that only one could become heir to Palavana. Because of such a dilemma, she said he would grant our heart's desire. Meltzar immediately said that he wanted to become a pirate and leave. That's how I ended up being heir to the city, " he said and his eyes glowed silver.

I stepped back. He grinned and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the glowing was gone.

"Did that frighten you?" he asked and reached out to touch my face.

I blocked his hand with my arm. "Do you miss him?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Not really. Palavana has a way of keeping me entertained, which by the way was my heart's desire. Just take you, for instance."

He held the hand that I used to block him and took it to his lips. I quickly tried to pull it but I could not. I froze! He was about to kiss my hand, but smirked instead as he watched my confusion.

"I can't move. Stop this!" I said.

He dropped my hand and looked back up again. My movements came back. I stepped back. This being, whatever or whoever he was, is very dangerous. If he becomes serious, it will be devastating! I had to get out of this place and I had to get out, FAST! If not, I need to be at least far from him!

I stepped back and watched him closely. This is my chance, he's not looking at me! With that, I turned around and ran. I ran as fast as I could! As far away as possible! To where? I do not know just yet! I just had to get away from him!

However, it did not take that long! Suddenly, guards materialized before my very eyes and caught me! They dragged me back to the garden where Boyt was waiting patiently, sitting down on one of the benches holding a single long stemmed lavender flower.

"Thank you for bringing my bride back," he told the guards and they walked away.

I looked at them before turning back to Boyt, "Were they here the whole time?"

He smiled at me, "Yes. They materialize every time they become aware that their presence is needed." He motioned to me as if referring to my escape. "Thus, you cannot escape unless I let you."

"What do you want with me?"

"Why would I not want you? You are MY bride."

"You don't even know my name!"

"That's fine, I could just call you whatever I like. As a matter of fact, I should call you WIF--"

"No!" I cut him off right away. Really? Really, fate? For the third time now? How many names should I have? "You MUST have several beautiful women here. Just marry them!"

He nodded and teased, "I have. I had. They're a part of my harem."

"Harem?!" I groaned. This is NOT happening to me!

He smiled playfully, "You'll fit right in!"


He chuckled as if he was toying with me. He was also enjoying every minute of it. "Very well, let's have a bet. I won't marry you, if you could take off the engagement ring. You have until noon tomorrow," he responded.

I clenched my fist. He knew it was enchanted and that I could not take it off. "YOU--"

He did not let me talk. Instead he stood up and stepped forward to get closer. I tried to step back but I could NOT move again.

Boyt whispered, "By now, I think you should have an idea of what I am truly capable of. Some of it, at least. How about you go back to your room in the palace?"

He handed me the flower and even if I refused it, my hand accepted it. I DO NOT like him controlling me! I DO NOT like it one bit.

I arched a brow at him. "How about I return to the surface of the sea?" I disagreed. My voice was laced with sarcasm and UTMOST defiance.

Boyt chuckled, "Feisty. Feisty indeed." He waved his hand and watched me amusingly as I obeyed his orders for I could NOT control my feet nor my paces as they led me back to my room in the palace.

"Jacob…" was all I could say. Oh, I do hope he comes to rescue me.

Will Jacob come to the rescue?

Oh I know we ALL know the answer to that which brings me to my next question, how?

Will the wedding really happen? Next chapter please...

Thank you for reading. Thanks for the gifts, comments, and votes.

By the way, if you have time check my other book: Joy and Happiness. It's a campus romance. I had to delete it and repost again so I could put some edits.

Love you lots, mateys.

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