

"I love the ingredients on this island," Neville said after he climbed onboard. He just came back from a fishing trip. He was holding his fish pole on the other hand and was carrying a bucket filled with fish on the other while whistling a tune.

Labyrinth is currently docked near the shores of Iwahi. It was afternoon. Another three months had passed and the pirates just looted five merchant ships from Beckforth. Iwahi is one of Beckforth's territories so we visited to distribute what we stole from the corrupt noblemen back to the citizens. They were so ecstatic so they arranged appreciation festivities for the pirates. I couldn't help but smile. It's very unusual that pirates were celebrated as heroes rather than villains.

"Will you be joining the festivities?" Neville asked me.

"I'm not sure," I replied. "Are you?" I asked him.

Neville laughed, "Of course I will! I'll just put these in the kitchen... and why don't you come with me. The natives should see that you are the most beautiful woman here," he said with glee.

I couldn't help but giggle. If Paco is just like the father on the ship, Neville is the favorite uncle. He always favors me. "Do I need to change?" I asked.

Neville scrutinized me from head to foot. "No need. You look presentable," he said then went to the kitchen. "Wait for me!" he yelled.

"I will!" I called.

The festivities were held in the town square. Right away, I heard the familiar voices of Puma, Wabi, and Laurel singing whilst one of the natives played the ukulele. Fifer and Tibet joined in the music with their harmonicas. They waved at me after they saw me and I waved back.

Paco, Gondro, Thaddaeus and Lowen were talking to what looks like the head of the town and some important men. It looked like the conversation was about ships and sailing because I saw them motion sails and sailing towards the wind. Sandlot, Urdel, Thom, and Zaki tried to flirt with some ladies. I chuckled as some of the girls politely declined.

Then, my eyes caught a glimpse of him. Jacob was surrounded with women.. lovely women! They were giggling to his every word. I couldn't help but scoff. One of the beautiful ladies with a yellow hibiscus flower on her hair linked her arms to him and asked him to dance. My left brow arched.

"Well, would you look at that? Looks like the captain is going to be shaking the sheets tonight," Neville said.

I looked at Neville with wide eyes. I couldn't believe he just said that! "Excuse me Neville, there is a Lady here," I pointed out.

Neville chuckled "Uh-huh. A lady who looks jealous," he teased.

I gasped! "Me? Jealous? Not a chance!" I replied then rolled my eyes.

"Did I say it was you? Why so defensive?" Neville responded and laughed after.

"Neville!!" I raised my voice accidentally and half of the people in the festivities looked in our direction. I suddenly felt awkward with the attention that I got, so I scooted behind Neville to hide my embarrassment.

I saw Jacob peered in my direction and smiled after he saw a glimpse of me. He mouthed, "Are you alright?"

I quickly nodded my head and waved him off. He gave me a curt nod and focused his attention to the woman with a yellow hibiscus flower in her hair.

"That was a false move," Neville glanced at me and shook his head.

"Oh be quiet," I answered and grimaced.

I looked back at the woman and noticed that she was very attractive. Her soft waves landed behind her back. She has very thick curved lashes and her almond shaped eyes were very expressive. Unlike the other ladies around Jacob, she has grace in her movements and she possesses a melodic laughter. It dawned on me that she is very, very, VERY alluring!

The festivities continued until dark. I knew the pirates would not stop merrymaking until they all pass out from intoxication. And I was getting tired so I went with Paco to go back to Labyrinth. I went in my room, took a bath, and changed into clean clothes before going to bed. I was asleep in no time.

The next morning, I woke up because of the incessant rustling at the room next door-- Jacob's room. I groaned and checked my watch. It was thirty minutes past six. I stood up, washed my face, and changed into a simple light peach apron dress. I was tying my hair as I walked out my door when the door on Jacob's room opened at the same time.

Jacob and I looked at each other. "Good morning," we both said simultaneously. Jacob looked back in his room as if he was hiding something.

"Are you alright?" I couldn't help but ask.

Jacob was about to respond but a woman stepped beside him, "Good morning," she greeted Jacob and leaned on his shoulder. It was the lady with a yellow hibiscus flower on her hair!

I gaped! What in the world was she doing in his room? I closed my eyes. The shaking of sheets did happen! When I opened my eyes again, the woman was giggling playfully. Jacob forced a chuckle and introduced us.

"Darling, Zivi… Zivi, Darling," he said.

"Nice to meet you, Darling," she said and linked her arms with Jacob.

I couldn't help but arched my brow. I looked at Jacob displeased. Jacob smiled and motioned Zivi so I turned back to the woman and faked a sweet smile, "The pleasure is all mine."

I turned around and was about to walk away when I overhear Zivi talking with Jacob, "I have to go back home," she said with a seductive voice.

"Alright, but come back for lunch?" Jacob asked.

"Of course!" she said and walked past me to get off the ship.

I clenched my fist, I couldn't help but be annoyed. I turned around to look at Jacob. I know I was glaring at him. Jacob crossed his arms and grinned. "Can I help you?" he asked.

I took one loud, deep breath. "No, you can't!" I retorted and turned around. I walked straight to the kitchen. I needed to quickly get away from him as fast as I could. If not, I would throw my shoe at him. HOW ANNOYING!!!!

"Good morning, Miss Darling," Neville greeted me as I walked in. I groaned and sat down on my spot at the table. "Bad mood, eh?"

"What time did you come back?" I can't help but ask.

Neville looked up and thought, "Lowen and I decided to come back an hour after you left... I think."

"How about the rest?" I was interrogating. I know what I was trying to do. I wanted to know what time Jacob came back. I hated myself for being like this, but I couldn't help it! I have to know.

Neville smirked teasingly, "You mean Captain Jacob?" he asked. Did he just read my mind? Did I say it out loud? "I am not sure. I already fell asleep and they were not back yet."

The kitchen door opened. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" he continued. I turned around, it was Jacob who came in. I wanted to stop Neville but I was too late, "Captain, Miss Darling wanted to know what time you came back last night," he said then smirked at me.

Neville did that on purpose! My face just turned bright red! I looked at Jacob and for the love of mercy he smirked and sat beside me. He rested his head on top of his hand and stared at me with playful eyes. "Were you worried about me?" he asked.

I refused to look back at him so I answered, "Why would I worry about you? You're a big boy now."

He chuckled. "That is correct and this big boy had to do big boy things, won't you agree?" he replied.

My thoughts went directly to what I saw that morning after he said that. My face felt hot. I did not like the direction of where our conversation and my thoughts were going so I tried my hardest to divert it, "Neville, I'm hungry. What are we having for breakfast?"

Jacob laughed and stood up to go to his spot at the table. I tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible but he tries to catch mine every time. I sighed in relief when the rest of the pirates finally came in.

While eating, the topic conversation changed from the fresh water pond filled with the fish called tilapia to ways on how to maneuver the sails to catch the wind so we could sail faster, to the women in the festivities. I rolled my eyes and tried to excuse myself from the table but Jacob did not let me leave in peace because he said, "Oh by the way Neville, I invited Zivi for lunch."

The other pirates cheered while some looked at me, curious of what my reactions would look like. I smiled ever so sweetly and tossed my hair, "If you'll excuse me. I think my appetite just got ruined," I said and walked away.

I went to my favorite spot on the main deck and sat down. I wanted to scream. I was irritated and annoyed and angry at the same time. It was aggravating! JACOB IS AGGRAVATING! Whatever game he's playing, it's very clear that he's winning because I was reacting in ways I haven't reacted before. I am used to being calm and collected but with him…. AHHHHHH!!!!!!

I heard footsteps coming to my direction. Then, Jacob sat beside me. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes again and frowned. Can he just leave me alone? "Why wouldn't it be?" I replied without looking at him, my voice angry.

Jacob sighed and looked ahead. We were silent for a moment before he said, "Is it that time of the month then?" I turned to him confused. He grinned and continued, "You know? When women bleed and get so irritated and angry at the same time? I remember my sister used to hit me during those days and told me to blame the hormones, whatever that means."

I couldn't help but let out a soft laugh as I imagined Stella hitting him and him being so clueless. I watched his face as my expressions softened, "I would have loved to see that," I said.

"Which one? Me getting hit? Well, you can hit me right now if you're that irritated," he said then looked at me seriously. I tried to look away but he put his hands on top of mine and shook his head.

Jacob caught me by surprise yet again. I did not know what to do or how to react. All I could do was look at him. Yes, I am irritated but if I hit him then that means I admitted to it.. And I do not want to admit it. Not to him. Why am I irritated in the first place? Because of Zivi? It was all too confusing!

"Ah!!! Young love, must be nice," Neville said that took our attention. Jacob removed his hand on mine and stood up. He looked at Neville with a warning look which the latter just laughed off. "Sorry Captain, I was just passing by and I couldn't help but to admire the scenery," he continued stretching his arms dramatically towards us.

Jacob shook his head while smiling and excused himself. I was left with Neville and before he could tease me, I asked, "What are you going to cook for lunch?"

Neville's face radiated. "Tilapia in coconut milk," he replied with glee.

That was the first time I had heard of the dish so I got so curious. "Do you mind if I watch?"

Neville shook his head, "No! Not at all! I can even show you my knife skills. They're applicable for self defense too!" he answered then laughed.

I followed him to the kitchen and watched as he showed off his skills. First, he cleaned seven fish by removing the scales, innards, and gills. I couldn't help but giggle at how fast he did this. It was just like watching a swordsman but in the kitchen. He then cut the fins and trimmed the tail. He set them aside after.

"Next, some spices and vegetables," he said and tossed the knife back to his right hand while his left took some tomatoes, onions, garlic, and ginger. After that, he took a deep breath and chopped them at super lightning speed. He finished in no time. I gaped in astonishment.

He smiled at me and waggled his eyebrows. Then he continued. With much care and finesse, he cut the seven fish by their bellies and stuffed them with the chopped tomatoes, onions, garlic, and ginger then looked at me to explain, "These will help provide flavor to the fish while reducing their fishy aftertaste." I nodded. I did not know that. How would I? I never cooked.

After that, he wrapped the fish with bok choy leaves that he got from the island. He made sure that the entire fish, except the heads, were fully covered. "This, Miss Darling is lemongrass," he said then sniffed the long stemmed herbs. "You can find several of these here in Iwahi," he added and used them to secure the bok choy around the fish. I couldn't help but admire his work.

Next, he arranged the fish in a big pan and then poured coconut milk and water over them. He also sprinkled salt and then looked at me, "Now, we just need to let the coconut milk boil. After that, we'll add some chili peppers and then cook the fish for about twenty more minutes," he said smiling with his pointed finger up just like a governess.

"Neville, are you sure you were a butler before not a head chef?" I couldn't help but ask.

He put his fists on his waist and laughed heartily, "I was a butler but also a great cook! I'm just amazing like that," he added and continued to laugh.

I was having so much excitement watching Neville prepare for lunch that we did not notice the time.

"Whala!!!" he said animatedly as he laid down his plated dishes on the dining table. The scent of the lemongrass mixed with the coconut milk and fish wafted in the air.

I applauded and cheered, "Bravissimo!!!"

Neville did a series of flamboyant bows and air kisses while saying, "Thank you, thank you very much!" as if he just finished a concert.

One by one the pirates came into the kitchen for lunch. "WOHOHO!!!!" Elgo cried out. "These look amazing!" he continued as he rubbed his stomach.

Gondro inhaled, "It smells so good in here." Thom and Zaki agreed.

"That is why I love cooking for all of you. You are my devoted fanatics," Neville replied, obviously enjoying the attention he was getting. I beamed.

"Another amazing masterpiece, Neville," Jacob said as he came in. The smile on his face showed how delighted he was.

"Oh!!! This looks so scrumptious!" Zivi exclaimed in appreciation. She clapped her hands.

My smile faded away after seeing Jacob put his left arm around Zivi's shoulder. He guided her to a seat next to him, just like how a perfect gentleman would! It irked me. My eyebrows arched immediately.

"Miss Zivi, my homage to Iwahi-- Tilapia in coconut milk. I got all the ingredients from your beautiful island," Neville said with theatrics in his voice as if he was narrating a play. I frowned.

Suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable. I thought Neville was supposed to be on my side. Why is he patronizing her? Puma, Wabi, and Laurel too… Why are they waiting on her hand and foot? Wasn't Jacob's attention not enough?

I stared at Zivi as she interacted with the pirates. The sound of her laughter as she laughed at their jokes was very melodic. Her simple mannerisms just like how she tucks her hair behind her ear or how she puts the food in her lips were very hypnotic. I turned my gaze at Jacob. She has HIS full attention!!! I felt a pang in my heart as I watched him smile at her and enjoy their conversation. It was ALL TOO MUCH!

Paco slid the plate brimming with food in my direction to get my attention. I looked at him and he smiled at me, "Here you go, Miss Darling. I took the liberty of putting food on your plate," he said.

"Thank you," I said and tried my hardest not to look back at Jacob or at Zivi. I was so excited to eat Neville's dish awhile ago but now that excitement was turned to displeasure. My senses knew that the food was beyond delectable but I hardly took a bite. When I couldn't take it anymore, I asked to be excused. This was the worst lunch yet!

I walked straight to my room and closed the door behind me. Then, I noticed the tears that began to slowly trickle down my face. Why in the world am I crying? I sat on my bed and wiped my tears away as harsh and as fast as I could. "There was no reason to cry, Editha!" I scolded myself but the tears kept falling. I wiped them over and over again until finally my eyes obeyed my brain and my tears stopped.

The pirates seemed to enjoy Iwahi because there was no desire for them to leave the place just yet. We have been docked for a week! That was the longest time we stayed at a place. Even the quiet Thaddaeus was busy with practicing trimming the sails to catch the wind better. He adjusted the telltales and added stripes while the others continued their merrymaking.

Zivi became a frequent visitor to Labyrinth and Jacob's room. She came every day! There were even nights where I couldn't sleep because I got perturbed by the giggling and the moaning and the creaking that I overhear next door. Oh I wish we could just leave!

It was another day… a dreadful day AND we were still at Iwahi! Again, the pirates still did not wish to leave. Neville came back from fishing again and looked my way. He scrunched his forehead. "Why so glum, Miss Darling? It's a beautiful day on a tropical island. Go and unwind somewhere. Enjoy the beach!"

I shook my head, "It's alright! I'll just stay in my room and write."

Neville signalled me to wait and went in the kitchen. Afterwards, he came out with a small leather journal and pulled me up. "Come with me, I found a perfect place to pick up some sea shells. Don't women love seashells?" he said.

I forced a smile. I know Neville is trying to cheer me up so even though I had to drag my feet, I still went with him. Maybe a change of scenery will brighten my mood. I followed him to the spot that he was talking about and indeed it was exquisite. There were several palm trees in the area so it was not too hot to walk by. I took off my shoes and began walking barefoot.

I was beginning to enjoy my time when my eyes caught a sight of Zivi with Jacob as her escort. They were strolling by the beach not too far from where we were. I immediately looked away. Neville sighed, "You're jealous, aren't you, Miss Darling?"

"No… I'm irritated," I said and sat down on the nearby rock. Neville followed and sat down beside me. He took his journal out and I saw a portrait of a woman.

"Is that your wife?" I asked.

Neville sighed sadly. His usual cheeriness changed to sorrow. "She's Henrietta. The woman I love," he answered and touched the portrait. He passed it to me so I could see better. "You know I do not look like this before. I was quite handsome when I was young, much like Captain Jacob," he said then chuckled.

I chuckled back and then looked at the picture. Henrietta was a lovely woman. She has a heart shaped face and expressive hooded eyes. I noticed her high cheekbones right away and the beauty mark on her chin. She looked very elegant. "She's beautiful," I said.

Neville nodded, "The most beautiful woman in my eyes. We actually looked great as a couple… me being handsome and all," he tried to cloak his sadness with humor.

I smiled before I asked, "Where is she?"

"Igari. It's a seaside, east of Beckforth. I remember there is a pond in their land and they grow tilapias there."

"Do you want to tell me more about her?" I asked. I do not want to pry just like I did with Lowen. I already learned my lesson.

Neville smiled, "It's about time I tell you. I told you, I will," he began. "Henrietta is the eldest daughter of Don Santiago Salvadore, my master. As you can see in that portrait that she is very beautiful."

I nodded, "She is."

"But she's not just beautiful. Unlike the other nobles, Henrietta is a good cook. As a matter of fact, the tilapia in coconut milk that I cooked before was her recipe. She taught me that one. Now that I think about it, she was the reason I learned how to love cooking in the first place. She was my inspiration," Neville said and looked up at the sky as he recalled.

"What happened?"

"She loved her siblings and her father very much. You see, she lost her mother when she was young, even before I became their butler. So she managed the finances of the household. Thus, we spent most of the time together. I still remember how I fell in love with her like it was yesterday," he continued and told me how they fell in love twelve years ago…


"We did not forget anything from the market, did we Neville?" Henrietta asked him. Henrietta was very different from the nobles that Neville worked for. She was very much hands on with household work and finances.

"I believe not, Miss," Neville replied.

"I am so glad you're with me every time," she said and smiled at him.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss," he replied.

The carriage came to a halt in front of the manor. Neville went out first and held his hand out for Henrietta. Henrietta gracefully took it and everything was going well when the horses got spooked by a rat and galloped for a bit. The carriage jerked and Henrietta was off balanced, she tried her best to maintain her poise but she fell.

Neville seeing his mistress' dilemma tried his best to catch her. They landed on the grass with Henrietta on top of him. Henrietta gasped and blushed. Neville swallowed hard. She pushed herself to stand and shyly looked away. Neville quickly did the same and cleared his throat.

"Are you alright?" they both asked each other at the same time. After that, they blushed simultaneously and turned around.

They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Henrietta broke the silence, "I believe my sister is calling me. Please excuse me," she said, curtsied, and walked away hurriedly with her hand on her chest.

Neville couldn't help but watch her as she left. He sighed. "Calm down, beating heart! She's way above your league," he told himself.

That was the beginning of Neville and Henrietta's love story. Even though Neville tried to control his feelings for Henrietta because of the difference of their status in life, he could not stop falling in love with her. At the same time, Henrietta's heart would beat erratically whenever Neville was near.

One day, Henrietta was managing the cooks while they were frying fish when the oil splashed accidentally towards Neville's right arm who at that time was doing inventory on the vegetables nearby.

"Ow!" Neville exclaimed.

Henrietta, used to taking care of her siblings, quickly wet a rag with cold water and pressed it on his arm. They gazed in each other's eyes after and realizing what she did, Henrietta turned red yet again, "Here, keep pressing the rag on that burn," she said and quickly left.

Neville closed his eyes. He was aware that he fell in love with her but she was his employer so he would never dare to tell her. It will be his secret that he was willing to take to his grave.

Two years had passed by with Neville not admitting to his feelings but would continue to take extra good care of Henrietta. Whether he admits it or not, she was very special to him. As a man in love, it was very difficult for him to control his emotions around her, to the point of him being awkward and clumsy. It was affecting his work so he decided to avoid Henrietta as much as possible.

Meanwhile, Henrietta obviously noticed what Neville was doing. Who wouldn't? He would come up with the silliest excuses just like how he suddenly twisted his ankle when it was fine just a second ago. She was getting annoyed with him ignoring her so she cornered him one day.

"Sit down," she said and motioned Neville to sit. She called him to her study so they could talk.

Neville, thinking that the meeting was about finances and household matters obliged because it was his job. He was surprised when Henrietta asked him a series of questions.

"Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong to offend you? Was something wrong with my face that you couldn't look at me straight? Am I giving you too much work?" Neville looked at her unsure of what to say. "Come on, tell me," she said and crossed her arms.

Neville smiled, 'How can she be this charming?' he thought.

Henrietta blushed. It was then that Neville realized that he thought it out loud, "What do you mean charming?" she asked. Neville froze. Now, he's secret was out. "Neville, do you happen to look at me as a woman?" Henrietta asked slowly.

Neville was taken aback so he quickly knelt down before her and asked for forgiveness, "Forgive me, miss. I would not dare," he said.

There was silence after so Neville looked up and was stunned to see Henrietta's eyes filled with tears. One tear fell down so Neville quickly got up. Henrietta slapped him hard, "Why would you be sorry if you liked me? Am I that unattractive that you are embarrassed?"

Neville quickly looked at her, "No...I…" he stammered but seeing Henrietta's reactions, he decided to tell the truth, "I… I… love you… but… you… you are my employer… you are out of my league… I shouldn't…" he was still trying to explain but Henrietta smiled and stopped his explanations by kissing him.

Neville was surprised at first but then he realized that her feelings were the same so he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer to deepen their kiss. She responded with equal intensity that they were almost out of breath when they stopped.

"I love you, too, Neville," Henrietta replied.

Will Henrietta and Neville end up together?

Part 2 spoilers:

Darling will finally admit how she feels?

I must say FOURTH ACCOUNT is my favorite so far. I had fun writing it. I hope you'll enjoy reading this.

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