
Mysterious people.

Chapter 51: Mysterious people.

A dark aura filled the streets as Kalon looked around, looking for any sign of life, but it seemed as though they had all vanished before his very eyes.

Kalon's heart began to race as a feeling of dread hit him in the chest. His body felt hot, and every time he took a breath, the air felt dry and stale.

It was a similar feeling to what he felt when Roah had taken him to the cannibal village, but this time he was utterly defenceless and alone. Q feeling of danger loomed over his head as he stood still, not daring to venture off any further on his own.

"You know what your father said, don't you? You're Not to let any human find out about you living here. We can't have a war break out before we've finished preparing" The voice of a middle-aged man spoke out from the cloud of darkness that had made its way to street level.

"I already know that. As well as the other five hundred rules my father drilled into my head before allowing me to come here. It will be fine." Replied the voice of a young girl as two people stepped out from the dark cloud.

Both of them wore black capes to keep their identities hidden as they walked through the now-empty street.

"Just look at the state of them. Living their lives without a care in the world. The heavenly Lord will make sure to change that soon enough." The older man complained to himself as he looked around the deserted street.

But Kalon couldn't see anyone else. For him, it was only the three of them, and he was beginning to feel like he shouldn't be there.

'Who are these people? What are they looking at?' Kalon thought to himself as he shifted his gaze around the empty street while trying to find any other sign of life.

"It's tempting to kill them right now, but that would ruin all the work we put into the plan." The man spoke once again as the silhouette of the young girl lifted her head slightly.

Kalon caught a slight glimpse of silver hair and ghostly white skin from underneath the cloak as the fabric on the hood of the cloak shifted a little to reveal part of her face.

Kalon stared at the girl for a few moments before she lifted her head a little more and quickly looked away.

"Are you really sure that these humans can't see us?" The girl asked before pulling the hood in front of her face a little bit more.

"Of course. These cloaks were enchanted by one of our ancestors. His enchanting skills are first rate. Stop worrying so much." The older man said in a serious tone as they continued to walk along the street.

"It just felt like someone was looking at me, that's all." The girl said in a soft voice before turning her head to look directly at Kalon.

'I feel like I'm not allowed to see them. Crappie, they'll find out.' Kalon panicked as he saw her head turn towards him before quickly kneeling down to fiddle with his laces.

He felt a cold shiver down his spine as the girl stared at him for a moment and nearly looked up, but somehow, he managed to keep his composure out of fear of what might happen if he did.

"It seems like I just imagined it." The girl sighed as they both carried on walking along the street and vanished into the distance.

'What was that? Who were those mysterious people?' Kalon thought to himself, confused from what he had just seen.

As they disappeared, the sounds of people talking and walking around returned, and Kalon was knocked to the ground as someone's knee hit him in the side of the head as they walked past him.

"Shit! I'm sorry, are you okay?!" A feminine voice called out as Kalon's vision went blurry. He had been hit below the temple and directly next to his eye. A tingling sensation made its way into his eye, and a few tears subconsciously leaked from the left side of his face as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry. Can you get up? Should I take you to an infirmary?" The girl asked as Kalon lifted his head to look at her. As soon as she did, he had to look away as the blinding sunlight shone through the golden strands of hair that draped down from her head.

"Oh no, It looks like it's going to bruise. I'm so sorry, come with me. I will get you a cold compress." The girl said and then grabbed Kalons hand to help him stand.

"I will be okay. It's fine." Kalon said while clutching his eye.

"Nonsense. We need to put something cold on it, so it doesn't swell. Follow me." The girl was quick to deny what he said and continued to walk through the centre of the city. Kalon thought it was strange that no one else bumped into him as he walked, but as he opened his eyes and looked up, he noticed that all of the people on the street had made a path for them to walk through. None of them dared to get in the way as Kalon was led by the hand of a girl whose name he had yet to learn.

"Excuse me, where are we going?" Kalon asked, slightly worried about where she was taking him.

"My house is just around the corner. It won't be a long walk, I promise. How would you rate your pain on a scale of one to ten?" The girl asked as she turned around to reveal her young and delicate looking face. Her skin was as clear as a summer's sky and her eyes shined just like the sun with a golden hue to them.

"About a three. It really isn't that bad." Kalon said, but that only made her worry more.

"It should be zero, not three. If my father finds out I hurt a kid, he will ground me for a decade. This is bad. Let's speed up a little." The girl began to run while still holding Kalon's hand, which forced him to speed up. But he found it strange. Despite being a cultivator, it seemed to be nearly impossible to pry his hand away from her grip.

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