

As the two reached the front doors of the building that looks like a castle but is their school, there were two guards at the front.

Carefully, they bowed to him before opening the door for the two.

Noises were coming from the students that roamed the courtyard and also the hallways. But there are more students in the halls than in the courtyard.

And, as the two walked in, the noise seemed to subside almost immediately.

He looked around him and saw how the people stared at them, whispering to themselves as well and smiling at him.

He smiled back at them and they all almost immediately averted their gaze as quickly as they could.

"You need to stop doing that, president." Leon scolded.

"Stop what?" Ace asked, trying to remove that stupid smile from his face but the body was too used to doing this that he couldn't do anything about it.

"Never mind." Leon sighed, still looking at his tablet.

"What are the things we need to get done today?" Ace asked as they reached a lesser populated part of the hall and the smile on his face finally faded away. "Ow. My cheeks."

"It would not hurt if you stopped smiling like that," Leon said, rolling his eyes at him. "Now, about the plans today. We need to check with the clubs today."

"Have there been any new applications for new clubs?" He asked, losing control of his body once again, but he didn't mind it that much at the moment.

"We have ..." he said, pausing for a second.

"What? What's wrong?" Ace asked, looking at him, slightly concerned.

"Well ..." he sighed. "We are about to reach the Student Council room. I think you should check it there."

"Check what?" Ace asked but Leon refused to say anything else until they finally arrived at the huge oak doors with carvings of different leaves on them.

Pushing the door open, Ace thought, how bad could it be? Classes just started the day before and he was gone for only a day. It can't be that bad.

As soon as the doors opened, the smile on his face faltered and he almost dropped his bag on the floor.

Ok. It is very bad.

In front of the two are three students in the same uniform running around in a panic with piles of papers on their hands.

There were papers everywhere on the ground and on all the other tables. It looks like it could be something straight out of a nightmare Ace once had where he suddenly had a ton of papers to sign.

No matter how much he tried to sign, the piles would never go down. Instead, they seemed to grow even more and he woke up in a cold sweat.

Remembering the dream, Ace shivered. Especially since the dream seemed to be happening right in front of him.

"President! Get in here!" One girl with long, straight, black hair and bangs glared at him.

That was Fira Suthier, the daughter of the Earl of Wenic. Though he was not a very well-known Earl, his wife was exceptionally brilliant, always at the top of her class, best of the scholars.

One of Ace's stepsisters was in the same class as her and even she could not beat her intelligence.

The king was thinking of adding her to the court but she refused and, despite the protests of her family, married much beneath her station.

It was such a shame that she got assassinated when Fira was only two years old. She and her mother were playing hide and seek and she was hiding in the closet when her mother was ambushed and killed.

Since she was there, she was called to testify in court. Her father was against it at first. He said that she was still a child but she refused to stay at home.

She walked up on the stand and testified about what she saw.

It was a shame that her testimony was not taken seriously because she was a child and they ruled her mother's death as a suicide in the end.

Her mother was found with the blade that cut her neck in her hands. There were no other fingerprints there except her own and there was no evidence of breaking and entering.

Since Fira couldn't tell them how the assailant looked because she only heard the scuffling and the shouts of pain, they had to dismiss her claims.

There did not seem to be any evidence of a struggle and that was how the case was closed.

From that day onwards, Fira has not smiled even once. She was also completely preoccupied with work. Being the Secretary of the student council is a lot harder than it looked, it would seem.

You could romance her in the game, though she was one of the minor characters and is more of an extra story. It was a shame because her story seemed more interesting in the game.

She only smiled once when you, as the player, helped her gather evidence to reopen the case and get her mother's justice.

But even that was just another way to gather hearts for Ace, just like every other extra story. What struck Kenj as odd was the fact that this route gave the most hearts to Ace, though he did not appear often.

The two were not even shown to be close in any way either.

I wonder why that is.

"President~!" Another voice called out and he turned to the light green-haired girl in twin dutch braids and glasses askew. She held bulks of papers in her hands, trying to stop them from slipping from her grasp. "Help."

That is Grecia Raumpes. The daughter of the Duke of Hattenburg.

There is not much known about her but she was also another side story in the game. Though, Ace found that her story was a little bit dull.

The only daughter of a duke that had eleven sons while trying to get a daughter, she was incredibly … spoilt.

But, just because she was spoilt did not mean she was a brat. She knew how to work hard and did exceptional work as the Treasurer of the Student Council.

She was the only one Kenj could understand the need to turn into a side story and not a main one.

Most of her stories occurred around some holidays and they were just very wholesome. Spending time with her family and also her brothers was a little terrifying because there were so many possible wrong choices.

But, it was short and sweet.

There isn't much to talk about her except that she always felt like she was underachieving in everything she did.

Her brothers are very successful and she was mostly average … compared to them that is. It did not help that very little bit of her every success was magnified and praised.

How she did not become a brat would not cease to amaze everyone that played the game, aka me.

She is sweet and kind and caring, albeit a little unaware of just how the world worked. Except when it comes to money. No one is more money-hungry or misery than she is.

"President?" Ace heard Leon call to him and he was pulled out of his thought almost immediately. "Are you alright?"

"I feel a little light-headed," he said dramatically. "It felt like I went into some kind of third realm for a second there."

"You are being dramatic again." Leon rolled his eyes and walked over to Grecia to help her with the papers.

Ace looked over at Fira who is still looking through the papers on the table, then he looked over at Leon helping Garcia, then all the papers on the ground.

Maybe, if I head out now, no one will notice.

He tried to move but his feet refused to listen to him as he remained rooted where he was.

Oh no.

"President?" Fira called to him again, more annoyed than before.

"Coming." He said a little too cheerily.

So this is what is going to happen, is it? He thought, balling his hands into fists. Well, if I have to do this then I will do it of my own free will.

I was not the leader of all the games and fairs my school held in my previous life for all my life for no reason.

He stomped into the room before he could lose control over his body once again.

"I think we should first take care of all the papers on the floor," he said, looking at the various papers everywhere. "We can arrange them first then make a proper decision."

"I agree," Fira said, putting her hands on her hips. "But I don't think we will be able to do it alone."

"But these are private, we can't just show it to anyone," Leon said, holding the papers in his hands. "Even if there is a lot."

"Only four of us is not going to be enough." Ace said, thinking. "But you alright."

He picked up a paper and looked it over.

It was a complaint about a teacher in the school with uncomfortable details on it and he quickly put it back down on the table, frowning.

"What can we do?"

"Maybe we can ask the new student to help," Leon said suddenly. "***** is not a part of the school long, so ***** would not know the students here."

Ace stared at him, rubbing his ears as he wondered if he heard right.

"Well, ***** only came yesterday," Fira said, thinking. "But it would be a risk, wouldn't it? If word got out that we started using the new transfer student just as ***** came."

Yup. I am not hearing things. Every time they say the student's name or addressing them, they get censored.

I wonder how they look like.

"New student? What are we talking about?" Ace asked, fake surprise.

"***** came yesterday. ***** name is *****." Leon said and Ace had to do everything in his power to stop from laughing.

"Can you invite th**?" Ace paused for a second. Oh. "I wish to see *****."

"Perhaps for lunch," Fira said, looking at him. "We do have to welcome ***** properly."

"Yes," Leon said as Grecia smiled, nodding her head vigorously. "For now, we should clean what we can."

Next chapter