
More Important than Revenge

Nine times out of ten, when a pair of warriors about as strong as Aether Grandmasters go up against a warrior as powerful as an Aether King, the King wins.

On paper, Jin Fang and Jinju Ren should've been wiped off the face of the planet by Gao Shen Yuan's attacks awhile ago. Instead, they had not only managed to stay alive much longer than either had anticipated, but also inflict a decent amount of damage.

Of course, this damage wasn't due to them using normal aether attacks.

Jin Fang was making use of her recently polished [Chaos] abilities to break through Gao Shen Yuan's defenses, while Jinju Ren followed up with even heavier attacks empowered with dragon force.

The two of them were initially afraid of their abilities cancelling each other out, but that turned out to be an unnecessary fear.

Especially when they figured out that the area Jin Fang infected with [Chaos] on Gao Shen Yuan's person were even more vulnerable to dragon force than usual.

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