
A Crime of Timing

Couple moments ago, around the time Cornelius was manifesting...

<Okay, I got the Schrodinger girl's blood out of storage. Now let's see why we had that as a part instruc-GAH!>

=Pathos! Are you oka-BAH!=

Before Logos and Pathos could continue with whatever the former's folder entailed, the two of them had suddenly stopped in their tracks as a surge of information suddenly floored them.

=What in the name of Chaos?!=

<Ugh...now I know why our lord always complains about splitting headaches...wait a minute...what the hell am remembering now?>

However, the information that was rocking their minds right now wasn't new information, rather, it was a surge of old memories, along with an entire section of the library, that the two of them kept lock away until a very specific set of circumstance was met.

Namely, when a certain [Time] asshole showed up on their doorstep.

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