
Fighting in the closet.

Despite having the unofficial(?) title of "Kaijin Consort", it didn't really provide any notable benefits to Jin Fang beyond being able to know that kaijin exist and access to the Library of Nowhere.

Well, there was one other thing, but that was a secret for the time being.

Regardless ,when Nepherage came to her in order to ask for her assistance, the two were forced to communicate with each other via the method every other mundane mortal used to get their point across: talking.

Due to this restriction, and realizing that it would look incredibly weird for Jin Fang to talk to a jade bracelet or a toy soldier while walking around, Nepherage opted to use her human form.

She even made sure to adapt her "clothes" to look like a butler's uniform in order to blend in better.

On the downside though, Nepherage had forgotten what name she normally used for this form, so Jin Fang opted to simply call her, "Nicole".

It worked for the most part.

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