
The Price for Safety

"So...from the sounds of it, you came from a world where a dictator tried to, and I can't believe this sentence is coming out of mouth, breed into existence the ultimate psychic warriors?," Zhen Liu asked. A part of him was still shocked that there was yet another Earth with radically different histories, but he was a transmigrated soul on this world so he really couldn't justify freaking out over this revelation.

Multiverse theory, it's fun.

"Essentially, yes," Elsa replied, "Thankfully though, he died before he could enact this absurd policy to the fullest. Kind of hard to implement a global breeding program when the rest of the world is against the idea."

"Of course."

"But...it didn't stop him from inflicting untold damage in the process. Myself included..."


Prior to the Optimization War, the early days of the Tyrant's reign were... quiet.

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