"There is never a dull moment with the kaijin is there?"
"No, but this is definitely new."
"Is...is Pathos okay?"
<No. >
The moment Zhen Liu opened the door to the Library of Nowhere, he was greeted with a most unusual, yet somewhat expectant sight: Lacerage locking Pathos in what appeared to be a wrestling move.
More specifically, a chinlock.
Off to the sides, Zhen Liu could see Archanidame cheering Lacerage on, while Logos was making sure Japser and Janice weren't staring too intently.
It had only been a day at most, and the two kids were already looking healthier than before. Then again, it could be the new clothes that the dress-up daemon whipped up.
Zhen Liu, Jin Fang and Rianna kept watching the scene unfold for a couple a of seconds before the latter duo spoke up to break the silence.
"Should...should we stop her?," Rianna asked.