

"Poison?! When-?! How-?!," Frederick questioned as his body began to convulse violently against the substance flowing through his veins. All at once, he felt like he was on fire, on ice, electrocuted and everything in-between over hydrated and under hydrated. Evidently, he didn't get injected with just one type of poison, he got injected with a multitude of poisons and venoms all at once.

"I've been living down here for the past decade or so bro, you really think I wouldn't harvest the venom of everything down here?!," Rocko shouted back with fury and defiance in his voice, a surprisingly difficult task due to the several meter long tentacle running through his torso.

"I'm not sure what kind of bugs make up that stupid patchwork body of yours, but I know for damn sure at least several of them are weak against the venoms I just gave you. Just...like I planned from the start!"


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