
...and unwilling hostages(?)

To rewind the clock a bit...

A little after a particularly awkward tea party, two out of three of the guests of the event decided to partake in two of humanity's oldest pass times: retail and tourism.

(Un)fortunately, Stone Claw City was large enough that the two parties didn't end up crossing paths after such an affair.

This meant that we can hear how each of them processed the events independent of one another...as well as how they deal with a certain issue...


Goldshire's day out.

"W-what are you-?!"

"You wanted a practical demonstration, no?"

"Not on me!?"

Alicia replayed this particular scene from the tea party a couple times over in her head, because for all intents and purposes, this was arguably the most intimate thing she had witnessed in her life...that was outside of a trashy romance novel.

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