With their initial pleasantries out of the way, Zhen Liu and Bellona proceeded to go about on their matchmaking date, rather, try to figure out what to do for said date.
"So where did my cousins take you? I might as well try to be unique and not retread old ground as it were." {Never sleep with another man's ex and never use another man's bed for sex.}
<Unless they wronged you, at which point, do both, record it and send to them.>
Bellona suddenly stopped as she used a hand to cover her mouth as if to prevent herself from throwing up or laughing. Judging by the way her shoulders were shaking, she was probably stifling a laugh.
"Uhhh...you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Bellona said as she waved off Zhen Liu's concern with an easy smile. "Just remembered a funny play I watched with father."
Once she had a laughter back under control, Bellona took a breath in order to address Zhen Liu's earlier question.