
A Monster's Grasp

[Character name: Edward Ver Rosia.]

[Fate Meter: +63.]

[Relationship: Neutral, Interest.]

Nikolai read the first entry, and the confirmation of his doubt came like a crushing mountain. The man sitting next to him was none other than the king's advisor and brother. He was known as one of the greatest minds in existence, a strategist who led the Rosia kingdom to victory.

[Character Name: Maria Ver Rosia.]

[Fate Meter: +65.]

[Relationship: Amiable.]

As for the second character, Nikolai didn't need to read the entry to know she was one of the king's children, the person later to be known as Saint Maria.

'And here it is, the person with the biggest character development,' Nikolai glanced at the princess who was talking sweetly to the kid next to her. As he glanced at the kid, he realized it must be the youngest prince, the one who would die in the coup.

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