
Absolute Charge

The dagger slashed the air apart as it reached the scarlet hair of the princess, cutting right through it. However, it was blocked by red energy as it was an inch from her neck.

"What are you doing?" she growled, and the fear grew larger. This time, however, Nikolai felt something having his back, so he pushed the fear aside.

"What I should have done since the beginning, psychopathic bitch," Nikolai grinned as he tried pushing his dagger to stab her neck, but it was no use. This was one of the princess's powers, and it made her unparallel in a close-range battle.

As he defied her once again, Nikolai's body began regenerating. His fallen flesh was being restored as a warm feeling spread on his back.

"It seems you have grown a backbone, Nikolai," the princess glared at him before turning to look behind him. "Is that who changed you to defy me?"

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