

"However, I met King Erestor Culnámo before. He is a wise and cunning ruler. I'm just worried if he did anything to trap you."

As Veronica mentioned, Arthur couldn't agree more. "I know he's cunning. A wise ruler will want the so-called blessed child to be in their territory where they can control the power it holds."

"So, he tried to persuade you to keep me here I assume." Veronica figured that much. 

Arthur sneered. "Not just persuasion, he threatened me with your life."

That's not what she expected. "How come?"

He told her in detail, "He didn't mean that he would harm you. He said that if you were with me, you would face worse than death. That made me angry."

She thought about it and said, "I'm sure he tried to get on your nerves. I don't believe him. I know from my heart that I'll be in my best position as long as you are by my side."

Afterward, she leaned on him and placed her head on his shoulder.

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