
Black Iron Gauntlets

"I failed to expel him from my secret realm by exercising my regal rights as he was too strong, and I didn't want to fight him either. I knew I wouldn't win. And it was not like what he wanted to do was against my ideals or belief. Rather, it was in line with the way I lived my life. He was doing something for the good of every race in the federation, and that's why I took a step back and let him make modifications to my tomb as he wished."

She said those words in a bitter-sweet tone. No matter who, they would feel bad if someone messed up their resting place. She was no different.

However, she had accepted the demand of the man, and that just goes to show that the man was extremely powerful and secretly protecting all the races that made up the federation.

"He's someone so great, but there's nothing about him in the world. Just who is he?"

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