
The past (d)

On his second birthday, he bestowed the child with the name Vincent, hoping that he would be able to surpass all the hurdles in his life, break his destiny, and become someone great.

The people didn't like Vincent.

However, the rumors of his loveable character had spread far and wide, and their hatred at the fact that he still exists had lessened

Not many people were coming for his life. Still, several people tried to assassinate him. Vincent's mother got injured trying to protect him. Aaron went mad as it happened right in front of him. But before he could make a move, his son killed the assassins in the cruelest and vilest of ways and then even devoured than in place of his vanilla cake!

The taste of blood engulfed the maddened young Vincent, and the look in his eyes terrified all the people present in the banquet.

Even Aaron was troubled as those eyes could only belong to a mass murderer.

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