
Unexpected Vacation (II)

After they bought what they needed, Dina started the engine and drove to their destination. She glanced at Brenda, which was scowling beside the window and pouting very hard. 

"Bren, I'm sorry if I played along with Yoongi. You were so cute when getting annoyed," She mumbled as she leaned her head to Brenda's shoulder but she pushed her head away from her. 

"You know I'm asking for his permission so we could get drunk but you played with him! I hate you Aly!" She asserted as she crossed her arms while the pout never left her lips. 

"I said sorry, Bren. I love watching you being annoyed so I played along." She muttered while giggling. 

She turned her face to glance at Alyssum and all of a sudden, she hit her head. Alyssum winced when she hit her head too hard. 

"That hurts!" She whined while stroking her head to ease the pain. 

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