
The Old Madam's condition


The Old Madam roared so loudly that the entire villa reverberated in fear. The maids and butlers already stepped back, not wanting to face her wrath.

"Lixue! Come down!"

The entire Jiang family gathered upon hearing the commotion. Ruomei, too, quickly rushed to the hall.

Lihua stepped down along with Wei with Jiang Xiurang and Jiang Fai on his side. Lihua said, "What's wrong, Old Madam?"

The Old Madam was so furious at her that she had an urge to strangle her at this moment. Her body was trembling in rage as she faced. "What did you say to Li Tingzhe!?"

Lixue almost covered her ears. "I can hear you! Please tone down a bit."

Wei narrowed his eyes at her. "Don't speak so loudly. You are hurting my wife."

The Old Madam puked imaginary blood in anger. "It's her fault in the first place! How dare she tell Li Tingzhe that Xiurang will divorce him if she won the proposal?"

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