
Your Turn


The buckle of his belt clinked as she tugged at it, and the leather slapped against his thigh when she pulled it through. But soon she had the belt open and she began on the buttons.

They were difficult, with so much pressure behind them. For a minute she was distracted, teeth gritted, just trying to loose them. But finally, she made it through the four, and with her lip between her teeth, parted the leather pants.

He sprang into her hand, and her eyes went wide.

What an odd thing it was, almost like a tall mushroom. Or one of the eels she'd seen in the butcher's pond. It stood up straight and tall and seemed… far larger than she would have expected, though not nearly as large as the stallion.

He mustn't use all of it for the mating.

Or perhaps that was why the mares sometimes looked a bit green?

"Ayleth, what are you thinking?" he asked in a gravel voice.

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