
Sisters Reunite

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Campsite, Road To Partition Major, Dantooine)~~~

~~~(Galactic Time: 6:31 AM)~~~

The morning is starting to rise on our campsite. Dayla is the only one still asleep. I don't know when the little twi'lek usually gets up. Kids her age don't wake up this early. As for Nella and Wendy, they're at the speeders getting them ready.

I walk over to the sleeping twi'lek and gently pick her up. She doesn't wake and only sinks into my arms as I carry her. On my approach to the speeders, Nella turns her head away from me. Not wanting to look me in the eye.

She seems ashamed about her failure to end Garlen, not understanding that people get away. Usually, the bad ones. We talked yesterday, but it seems she's in her head about it.

Once I reach one of the speeders, the little twi'lek is still refusing to wake up. A small sigh escapes my lips. Seems I'll have to abuse my powers in the most innocent way possible. I sit down on the speeder and the next second. The little twi'lek is floating in my lap.

I don't want her floating behind me or to the sides. This way, she's safe. Using The Force in such ways would be a reprimand back at the Temple when I was a child.

Good thing I'm not there anymore.

Captain Wendy is riding on the same speeder as Nella. Back on Earth, it'd be called riding bitch. But such a term doesn't exist in Star Wars. My knowledge about my old life and new life have advantages.

My thoughts drift to what's in store now that we've done what Major Riley asked us to do. Her sister is safe, and she owes us an intro to the people in charge of the archeological dig sites. All this work... It better be worth it.

I'm tired of completing tasks and missions for others and being offered what I need in exchange. It's almost never worked out the way I wanted it. At this point, it's my fault. Thinking that it'll be different each time.

I wouldn't doubt I'll be having trouble. The Force is sending wave after wave to me. Warning me there is a danger waiting for me back at Partition Major.

"Nate!! How long until we make it to Partition Major!!?"

The question from Nella takes me back to the task at hand. The wind blows against my face, and Dayla gently floats in my lap. Still asleep. There was no urgency in Nella's voice. Only a sense of impatience.

I slow down just a little so we're riding next to each other. That way, we don't have to yell. Wendy is listening intently. She's probably hoping to get more information about Riley.

After all, she's still out here searching for the deserter. I wouldn't be surprised if Wendy tried arresting Riley. That's a fight I'd look forward to.

"We'll be there by 7:40 AM Galactic Time. For now, it's best to focus on what we're doing after we've reunited the sisters."

Wendy rolls her eyes as I look at her. Based on what I'm sensing from her, she's not looking forward to seeing Riley. It's a change from last night. Funny. Nella changed some things about what she was thinking overnight, and it looks like Wendy has, too.

"What will we do about Dayla? Will we leave her with the people in Partition, or will she come with us?"

I can hear the hope at the prospect that Dayla will come with us. Even if she has minor Force sensitivity, that doesn't mean I should take her. I've been thinking about it. It really comes down to whether I want to care for a little kid.

Nella is almost an adult by Galactic Standards, and Dayla isn't close. Right now, Dayla only trusts two people in the galaxy. That's Nella and me.

What kind of person would I be if I shoved her off on someone else?

"That's something for Dayla to decide when the time comes. If she doesn't want to leave Partition Major or Dantooine with us. Then she won't have to. But if she does want to come with us, she can."

Leaving the fate of the young twi'lek in her own hands could be seen as irresponsible. But if I'm going to be taking care of her. She'll need to learn, and do it fast.

The glittering hope and positivity in Nella's eyes seem to turn her mood and mentality around. It's almost like she's celebrating the addition of a new member.

She doesn't consider the possibility that Dayla not choosing to come with us isn't possible.

Only time will tell with that.

"Can I ask you something?"

This time, it's Wendy grabbing my attention with words. I'd rather not have a conversation while on fast-moving speeders, but that seems trivial to complain about at this point. Sadly, she accepts my silence as a confirmation before I can reject the offer.

"How did you get away with all the crimes you committed against the Republic?"

Here we go. Another sycophant arguing for the Republic. What a way to spend the next hour of travel. Maybe Nella will have more fun talking with her than I will.

~~~(POV: Major Riley)~~~

~~~(Location: Speeder Bike Parking Area, Partition Major, Dantooine)~~~

~~~(Galactic Time: 7:33 AM)~~~

My troops stand at my sides as we all watch the approaching pair of speeders. My eyes drift to Corporal Keedra. I can see the anger on his face. It's subtle, but I've known the man for a few years now. He's looking for some payback.

I've had multiple conversations with him about it, but he refuses to listen to anything I have to say. Constantly only telling me what I want to hear from him so I get off his back.

After a few minutes, the speeders come to a stop in the parking area. My eyes lock with the armored individual who gets off Nella's speeder.

Wendy looks at me like she's looking at a ghost.

For a brief moment, I watch Nate gently pick up the female twi'lek in his arms. Holding her close and making sure she's secure. She gently rubs her eyes, and yawns. Seems to have just woken up.

I step forward and make my way to Wendy. Her gaze hardens, and I can see her reaching for the empty cuff holder on her belt. Not realizing she didn't have anything to restrain me if she wanted to.

And she wants to.

On my approach, a voice from behind me stops me in my tracks.

"Hand over the little one. She doesn't need or belong with a monster like you."

My eyes close as I release curses in my head. Corporal Keedra is looking for trouble. I slowly look at Nate, and he's staring down the man.

"Says the man who stood by and waited while her parents and village burned. Who's the monster now? The one who saved her, or the one who followed orders?"

I immediately spin around and see Keedra reaching for his blaster. But he sees me and the look I give him. In the end, it's my fault so many died. I didn't want to risk unnecessary lives on a mando pursuing my sister.

I was going to let her die, but now I'm seeing my actions were so immature and not fitting of someone in command.

~~~(POV: Nella Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Outside Major Riley's Personal Quarters, Partition Major, Dantooine)~~~

~~~(Galactic Time: 7:54 AM)~~~

The sheer amount of hate rolling off Corporal Keedra would fuel any Sith's power. Right now, we're all waiting outside Riley's room. She's inside with Wendy. Leaving Nate, Keedra, Dayla, and myself to stir and simmer.

Keedra is glaring daggers at Nate. Dayla can tell there is a lot of tension, and she's taken to hide behind me for cover.

"You'll get what you want today, Killer. But I promise, as long as you're on Dantooine, you'll never be safe."

The threats have been coming every few minutes from Keedra, but Nate only keeps his eyes closed. I can feel Nate isn't even listening to the man. Off in his own world for the time being. I was surprised when he said that Dayla coming with us would be up to her.

I don't think Dayla will know how important her answer will be since she's so young. She'll be left here on Dantooine with no one. If she knew that, she'd not hesitate to come with Nate and me.

Dayla has really grown on me, and she can learn The Force, too. She's strong enough, but perhaps my power standards are lower than Nate's.

"He's not listening to you. He's meditating, and the world around him is mute. To him, there is only silence. You're wasting your breath trying to antagonize him. I doubt there is anyone in the galaxy that can do that..."

Keedra's eyes turn to me, and his anger disappears. It's only focused on Nate. I watch his eyes drift to Dayla, and I can't help moving her behind me a little.

He sees this.

"She belongs with us. The twi'leks."

If only she weren't a vector for your vendetta.

"That's for her to decide."

His eyes squint in curiosity as I say that. Sensing a mixture of emotions from him at the same time.

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