
Hunting Two Targets II

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Speeders, Tessare Village, Dantooine)~~~

~~~(Galactic Time: 5:15 PM)~~~

Nella helps the little twi'lek girl onto the back of her speeder bike. I've yet to say anything regarding her decision to bring the little one with us. I'm not against it, but I have a feeling I'm gonna be the one stuck taking care of her.

The more time passes, the more I sense Nella being consumed by anger. The hate in her feeds into her already powerful connection to The Force.

A typical Jedi would teach their student not to use the Darkside. To control their emotions. However, Nella has only ever experienced the Lightside of The Force. This is a perfect moment for her to take in what it means to know both sides of The Force.

"I want to warn you that the next village is already under attack by Garlan. Lifeforces are being snuffed out. If we don't get a move on now, we'll miss a chance to stop him from killing more."

She turns her head to me with the slowness I usually have. Her gaze hardens, and the temples on her head flex as she grits her teeth.

"Then let's go."

Once she's fully secured Dayla, she puts it in full throttle and takes off. I'm worried about my cousin. The Darkside can be blinding in its power. She'll learn that in time, and I'll protect her if she gets in too deep.

She's got a good lead on me. My hand twists, and my feet push on the footrests. Taking off after her from behind.

We've got about five minutes before we reach the next village. That'll be an eternity for Nella. I don't know if she can sense the life forces fading away as I can, but she's strong enough to start. Her connection has become very powerful.

I can already hear Marisa chewing me out for letting her daughter do this, but I'm the teacher here. Nella is my student, and I'm teaching her the way I use The Force.

Still, I don't know if someone other than me can use The Force as I do. Only Abeloth is who I know that can wield both sides like me. Teaching Nella something I was born with is a leap, but it's a starting point.

I'm soon caught up with Nella, and I ride beside her. She focuses entirely on the road, and Dayla tightly holds onto her. My senses spread to Dayla, and I sense some potential in The Force. Not a great deal that Nella has.

No sense in comparing us.

Then again, she doesn't have anyone left. Not that I know of, and her thoughts tell me she has no other family. She's deeply hurt that she's completely alone now.

Another student... One so young, only a little over ten years old. Suffered a traumatic loss that many her age never recover from. It's almost like I'm seeing myself.

"When we reach the next village, Garlan is mine. You look for and help survivors. When they're helped, we can search for Wendy."

Nella's voice has an authoritative tone, one identical to her Mothers. I gaze into her eyes and feel no uncertainty or doubt in her. I've taught her well, but she's going against a fully fledge mando.

That won't be an easy fight. Knowing her, she won't like it if I interfere. But I will if I have to. Until that happens, I'll let her handle Garlan.

"I approve. When we reach the next village in a minute, Garlan is yours. I'll help whoever is left alive and then find Wendy. If she's still alive."

I highly doubt the wounded Republic soldier can run from the mando for a long time. I'm sensing a final stand being made in the next village. Nella's features relax just a little at my acceptance. She was expecting me to say no.

It's my job to teach her. Not hold her hand. That's what I'm doing.

"Thank you, Nate. I won't let down the faith you're putting in me."

To be fair, it's the faith I'm putting in myself. I put her through hell in saber training. She's at the level of a Sith apprentice now. Almost a Lord, but we're not quite there yet. Besides, I want to see how she does against someone like a mando.

They're the greatest warriors in the galaxy, aside from Sith and Jedi. Which is saying a lot since almost none of them use The Force. It's what makes them stand out. Their refusal of what connects everyone in this universe.

The village is coming into view now, and the sounds of blaster fire are heard. The echos of an ending battle are one of the more familiar sounds in the galaxy.

So many battles end the same way.

~~~(POV: Captain Wendy)~~~

~~~(Location: Barricade, Unknown Village, Dantooine)~~~

~~~(Galactic Time: 5:22 PM)~~~

The blaster fire from Garlan ends as the once-live bodies closest to me slam down to the ground, lifeless. The hollow eyes of the now-passed farmer look into mine. Tears from the pain are ending their final trip from his eyes.

A final message that his death wasn't a quick one. I grit my teeth and grab my blaster with my one good arm. I look over the barricade for a second, and the menace is standing there. Waiting for me.

I slowly stand up and get over the barricade. Moving forward to meet him. He waits with his arms crossed. His mando helmet making it impossible to know what he's thinking based on his face.

"Our little game has come to an end, Wendy. It's time that you stand still and let me put you in carbonite."

The Empire is after me for my efforts on Corellia. I've made big changes there, but my reassignment to find my sister has made me an easy target. He's killed so many people.

All because I kept finding places filled with people. Putting them in the crossfire.

I'm no soldier. The best thing I can do for anyone that's still alive in these houses is to give up and let him take me.

Instead of saying anything, I drop my blaster and look to the ground. Garlan doesn't react and instead starts to lift his wrist and move in my direction. As he's about to press the button to release the carbonite and freeze me, the sounds of speeders grab our attention.

We look to the entrance of the village. Where the road from the last village comes to this one. I don't know where I'm at, and that didn't help my attempts to get away from Garlan.

As the speeders come to a stop, Garlan immediately lifts off the ground with his jetpack. Trying to run away, but he's locked in place in midair. Being pulled back down to the ground against his will. By an invisible force.

I look back at the speeder bikes and see a young woman holding out her hand in the direction of Garlan.


She releases an angry scream as she throws her hand in the direction of a metal barn. Garlan goes flying through the metal.


His release of anger and pain is heard as he crashes through. The younger woman pulls a saber hilt off her belt and leaps through the air. Jumping through the hole made in the barn.

My gaze turns to the man she's with, and I feel like I've seen him before. A little twi'lek girl pokes her head out from behind the man, and he places his hand on the top of her head. Looking down at her with a reassuring smile.

Taking a knee to speak with her.

"Nella will be alright. I want you to watch the speeder bikes. Think you can do that for me?"

His voice is calm and gentle. It's putting even me at ease. I know the Jedi arts when I see them. When they're being used. The girl nods her head and gains a little bit of happiness.

The man stands back up and looks at me. I flinch, and as I'm about to try to pick up my blaster. My entire body freezes. He starts walking to me, and no matter how hard I try, I can't get free.

Once he's in front of me, that's when I recognize him.

He's Nathen Opal...

I've heard rumors about him... About his power... Nella... Now that I think about it, that's the cousin and apprentice of Nathen.

"It's your lucky day, Captain Wendy. If your sister didn't have what I need, I wouldn't be here saving your sorry life."

My sister... So she knows I'm here looking for her... Figures a deserter would avoid capture.

All of a sudden, the power locking me in place disappears. I fill my lungs with air. Not realizing I wasn't breathing. I fall to my knees. Holding my wounded shoulder. My left arm is numb... I can't fight even if I wanted to now...

"You'll pay for what you've done!!"

A yell from the direction of the barn, and Garlan's body comes flying through the metal barns entrance. Flying through the air. Using his jetpack to correct himself. Before he can make another escape, his jetpack sparks.

Causing him to fall to the ground. Groaning and forcing himself to his feet.

He's not getting away now.

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