
An Exchange

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Major Riley's Private Quarters, Partition Major Troop Training Camp, Dantooine)~~~

Nella and I follow Major Riley to her private quarters. Once inside, my attention is drawn to a wall with various medals and pictures. Nella and her are near the holo-terminal. Based on what I see on the wall, Major Riley would've been a General by now.

She's a prodigy when it comes to military tactics and strategy. Why she left the Republic when she did must be a big motivator. The photos feature the same man over and over. However, I haven't seen that man here.

My sense's spread out in The Force. Looking for answers and insights. This man was important to her. A brother, maybe... It could be a lover or husband...

"Who is this man?"

The sudden question breaks the beginnings of a conversation between Nella and her. I can sense her turmoil and fear as I look at the picture.

At the mere mention of him, she's become a different person. That, or she knows she's in front of a person she can't mask her feelings in front of, and that terrifies her. There is a sense of terror coming from her.

"That's my brother Daunte... He was the only family I had growing up..."


"We served on almost every mission together. It was like that for six years. A Republic Senator's greed and drive for fame killed him on a deployment."

That's when she lost faith in The Republic.

"I'm so sorry for your loss..."

Nella is the one to apologize. She's someone that's for The Republic. The failures of the government she believes in aren't lost on her. If she could, she'd drive corruption from what she cares for.

Sadly, that's not how The Republic works. The Sith Empire... The Republic... Which is the lesser of two evils... Many would say it's The Sith Empire... But moments like this, it makes you think.

"Don't apologize for something you could never understand, Jedi. Life is different for your kind."

The tinge of bitterness in her words tells me there is more to her story than she wants to tell. But I won't dig more than I need to.

"There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief."

As I turn and walk toward the holo-terminal, my words have subtly affected Major Riley. Not one of great change or morphed thinking. Just a wave of... Understanding. She doesn't say anything in response and instead presses a button on the terminal.

A picture of a man appears. I don't know who it is, but they're wearing Mandalorian armor. Meaning they're dangerous and deadly. To an ordinary person.

"This man is Garlen Mezro. He's a Mandalorian bounty hunter. I've gotten word from my old sources on Coruscant that he's on Dantooine."

A bounty hunter only goes places where Credits can be made.

"He's after this individual."

Another person appears on the holo-terminal, and it's a Republic female trooper. Fully armored and kitted with special forces weapons. That's not something you see every day. Strong feelings are coming from Major Riley.

My arms are folded across my chest, and I can assume what's being asked here.

"I take it this is your sister? Didn't lose faith in The Republic... What's she doing on Dantooine..."

There is a frustrated look on Major Riley's face.

"She enlisted around a year ago. She's only 19 years old, and our parents are die-hard patriots. The truth is, she's here to get me. I've been AWOL since my brother died."

So the bounty hunter is here for her sister and her sister is here for her.

"What do you want us to do? Killing the bounty hunter only solves that problem for now. Another will come for her. Based on your military record, she follows in your footsteps."

She's good enough to have a bounty hunter after her.

"I want you to get rid of the bounty hunter and bring my sister to me. Wendy will put up a fight, but I doubt that'll be a challenge for you. Help with this, and I'll give you free rein of Dantooine."

That's a fair enough deal. I look over at my cousin and see she agrees.

"You've got a deal."

Do this one little favor, and we can move on to the Archeological dig sites.

Next chapter