
The Tragedy Of The Dawnrider

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Command Bridge, Dawnrider, Dagobah)~~~

"Sir, are you sure it's wise to disobey General Halcyons' orders? We're supposed to take the cargo to Coruscant, not Dantooine. We'll be going through Hyperlanes that haven't been fully navigated yet."

A hologram depicting the time a little before they have a Hyperdrive problem. Now I know why, as well. It's incredibly dangerous to navigate Hyperspace without charted Hyperlanes.

The only exception is The Force. Using it is and was the original way people spread across the galaxy. The Rakatan Empire powered their ships and Hyperdrives on Force Power. Using their slaves to do so. At least from what I remember and what I learned on Tython.

"Tell me, Izack. What do you think the worth of the cargo we're carrying is? 500 Million Credits? A billion? That's enough Credits for everyone on Dawnrider to retire. Any place they want, and live a life of frivolous luxury."

I can see what happened based on the direction the conversation is turning. I pity people who fall to greed. It's tough not to. Back on Earth... In my old life... It was one of the Seven Sins... Funny, no one in Star Wars would know that...

My attention returns to the hologram, and I can see the distress on the man's face. Izack. A good soldier, but one that doesn't know how dangerous this situation is.

"Izack... I'm tired of war... I'm tired of putting my crew at risk all the time... All for a war we had no business being in... When we sell the cargo on Dantooine, everyone will have the life that they deserve. And earned."

There is a solemness in the captain's voice. I don't even know his name, but he seems familiar with Izack. I've been in fights... Helped and killed soldiers alike... Not everyone has the power of a God... To them, this is a golden ticket to a better life.

Taking that into consideration, is it really greed? Or is it something else entirely? I don't know... Perhaps I'll find an answer to that question when I'm older.

"Sir... What you're planning... It's treason... The Republic will mark us as criminals. They know who we are, and what we're transporting. If we don't reach Coruscant with it, nothing will bring anyone on this ship safety. No amount of Credits will save them."

The Republic was different back then... The Mandalorian Wars. They forged two of the most notorious Sith Lords that I know, aside from Sidious and Vader.

I press end on the recording, and I scroll through the logs of the rest, eventually reaching one that's closer to the time the ship crashed. The hologram pops up, and the captain isn't looking so good. Stressed, sleep deprived, and famished.

"Izack. How long until the Hyperdrive is fixed... We've been stuck in this blue nightmare for weeks, and some of the crew are going insane."

Hyperspace sickness... A terrible fate for those that suffer from it... It occurs when you stare into Hyperspace for too long or are exposed to it for too long.

"The Hyperdrive isn't fixable, Sir... All we can hope for is a swift death..."

Such a sad sentiment... Trapped in Hyperspace until you die... How terrible is that... The hologram ends, and scroll down the list again. Clicking on the last one that was logged. It takes a moment, but the hologram powers on.

There is chaos around the command deck, and everyone that's still alive is rushing to fix anything they can. Control anything they can.

"The Hyperdrive is fluctuating! We're being spat out in an unknown system! Brace yourselves!"

The voice of Izack is all I hear. I don't see the captain anywhere. It seems like he either passed or was mutinied upon somewhere between this log and the last. The hologram plays for a little longer.


A few seconds later, the hologram ends with a crash.

A story of two tales is told here. One is of a person that's taken by greed for money and a better life, but only if you look at it that way.

The other tale is a bunch of soldiers wanting to leave a war they didn't want... Retire with the ones they love and never have to worry about anything again...

I don't know what to call a story like this other than a tragedy...

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