
Ancient Temple of Lothal II

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~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Ancient Jedi Temple, Lothal)~~~

I'm at a different point in time within the Star Wars Universe. It's an ability I've heard of before. One with dangerous consequences if used in the wrong hands. It was taught and used by the Aing-Tii monks. I know it shouldn't be in my hands.


It's the ability to walk through time. See the past or future. Changing the course of history using this power is possible. I never thought I'd stumble into using it. I guess what Satele and Caleb always thought was true. I have access to every Force Power imaginable.

I just need to know how to use it. It's dangerously arrogant to assume this. But based on how easy it is for me to use The Force. It'd make sense. Being The Son of Abeloth gives me abilities others wouldn't even know about.

"Amor... Come here..."

The voice echoes in me again, and I'm drawn to another pathway. Leading down a hall with statues dedicated to certain Jedi. They're written as if telling a story.

"Who are you?"

I should try to engage in conversation with this person. What I know of this place could be extended if this woman would just talk to me. I wait for a good minute as I slowly walk, but I get no response.

The Force has been with me since the very beginning. I don't know the role I have in the grand power structure, but I know that I'm what could be considered a Force God. The Ones and Abeloth are different. I'm different.

My birth was similar to that of Anakin Skywalkers, but I was born to Abeloth during the time of the warring Republic and Empire. I'm conceived of pure Force Power.

Abeloths power runs in my veins just as much as The Force. Every being, like the Ones, holds a place in the aspect of The Force.

"Yes... You're on the right track..."

I don't know if the feminine voice is speaking about the direction I'm walking or my train of thought. I don't feel any breaches in my mental shields.

The Father was the representation of the balance. The Light and the Dark. The Daughter is of pure Light. And brother, The Son is of pure Dark. Abeloth is different in this Universe of Star Wars. She's the mixture of the Light, the Dark, and the Balance.

But my role... She said that, given time, I'd grow more powerful than all of them... She said I was The Force itself, given physical form. All of it incarnated into one being. Born of Abeloth, the one closest to my own power.

"Just a little more..."

The voice returns, and I'm getting tired of being pulled on a string like I'm some fish.

"Tell me why I'm here!?"

My anger and frustration lash out in The Force. I crack the ground, and some of the nearby windows blow out. The Jedi walking around react, but look around confused. Not seeing the source of the tremor.

All I get back is silence. I'm tempted to turn around. There is nothing for me here that I can't find out somewhere else. I don't like this. I'm getting a bad feeling.

I spin around in my spot and look to go back the way I came. But instead, the same path I've been walking is in front of me again. I look over my shoulder and see that both paths lead the same way. Same direction.

"Force bullshit at its height."

Sometimes, I'm just as lost when it comes to The Force as the day when I first arrived on Tython. I want control back. I'm not tolerating any more of this. I flex my arms and hands outward and grip the temple in my hands.

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I'll tear this place apart!"

I do exactly as I say, and I start using The Force to shove the entire temple into the sand. Jedi all around start panicking and leaving. Trying to find out why this is happening.

With the blink of my eyes, I'm now in a completely new place. It's several rings with white lines and ancient texts. They spiral around continuously.

The World Between Worlds.

"It's good to see you again, little brother."

A voice from behind me grabs my attention, and I turn to see a tall, beautiful glowing green woman.

The Daughter.

It was said The Ones were in charge of The World Between Worlds. At least The Daughter. But it was never confirmed for sure.

"You're The Daughter... Should I call you sister?"

I know I can almost trust her. She's not like the other Force Entities out there.

Word count: 811

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