
Arrival On Lothal

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Nathen Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Ship, Above Lothal)~~~

The world that's connected to The Ones stands before me. SCORPIO brings the ship down to the world, and we land. Instantly, I feel the connection this world has to The Force. There is a lot of history here. I can feel it. I don't know much about Lothal.

Only that it's a unique world with more history attached to it than anyone believes it to have. Jedi Temples, portals, and mysteries that people would die for.

"Lothal doesn't look like an inviting world..."

Nella isn't wrong. The Imperials and Republic have no interest in this world since it holds no value to their war. But since it's so far away from the main Hyperlanes, it's poor.

"That's because it's a poor backwater world that nobody wants anything to do with. It lacks natural resources, strategic value, or a high population. The people indigenous here don't get many visitors."

We exit the ship and start heading into the small town we landed near. As we approach, the people of Lothal stare at us. The oldest of them stare at me. Eventually, we find ourselves at the local watering hole. The Cantina.

As the three of us enter, the people in here look to be clothed in rags. The only drinks they serve are water and a form of alcohol only made on Lothal. One that isn't good from what I've heard.

"You're a long way from home, Jedi."

The lightsaber on my belt gives me away. But that goes with the territory.

"I'm not a Jedi."

I'm quick to answer the man at the bar. He's got 4 friends with him, and they're all as big as he is. The implication of my words is I'm a Sith. But that's wrong too.

"Then what are you? You're sure as rancor shit not a Sith. You would've killed everyone in this town. Some rogue that's come to our backwater world?"

I walk to the bar and take a seat.

"I was once a Jedi. Now I'm not. I'm here looking for something. Something you people might know?"

He slams his glass on the table and looks hard at me. Waiting for me to continue talking.

"The Ones."

The silence in the cantina was present before. But now it's pressing. Some people put their hands on their holsters. Others make their way for the exits.

As opposed to the man that's talking to me, I can see and feel he's ready to die. Such conviction to keep a secret.

"You best be on your way off our world. People here will sooner die than say anything to you."

That's fine. I don't need anyone to speak.

I stand up abruptly, and everyone in the room is pinned against a wall or ceiling. The man I'm talking to is frozen in place at my feet. Unable to move a muscle. I get on one knee, so we're face to face.

"You don't need to tell me anything."

I stand back up and tear my way through his mind. Getting everything he knows. Sadly, it's not a lot. All he knows about The Ones is that someone in the village knows of them. An elder.

The man crumples on the ground, brain-dead.

"What did you do?"

Nella doesn't sound disturbed, only curious about how and why he's in this state now.

"I tore through his mind. Learned everything he knew. The action takes its toll. He's brain-dead now."

I could heal him if I wanted, but he's a rather unhospitable man.

"You know where to find what you're looking for?"

SCORPIO is the one to speak this time. She's more than willing to help, knowing I won't have her stick around anymore after we're done with this.

"A village elder. The old woman at the Northwest corner."

I drop everyone in the cantina, and no one will sustain permanent injuries.

We make our way out of the cantina. I spread out my senses, and there is a strong presence in The Force. Coming directly from the village elder's direction. It's incomparable to mine but to other Jedi and Sith. She'd be considered strong.

I'm wondering how I'm exactly going to find The Ones on Lothal. How to get to them. My knowledge of this world isn't as extensive as others in the Star Wars Universe.

Word count: 748

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