
Fleets Move And Campaigns Begin

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~~~(POV: Darth Marr)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Flagship, Hyperspace)~~~

"Dark Lord, the offensive campaign to attack Corellia is... Ambitious, to say the least. But I can see reasons why it'd succeed and fail. They'd never suspect we'd attack such an important planet at the start of the War."

Admiral Barman is one of the few Admirals I know that's not interested in personal gain. He's trying to further the Empire. We need that. We're in a full-blown war now. There is no room for glory seekers in my ranks.

"As to the reasons it'd fail, Admiral?"

He wisely stated the good reason before the bad.

"It's the same issue the Empire has always had. To many Sith are divided. We'll need 2 more Dark Lords of the Council to pull this off. Do you think you can convince them to help?"

Darth Jadus might... But he's too focused on progressing his own power. Being dominated in Force Powers by Nathen Opal humbled him. Opened his eyes to show him he was not invincible.

There is one I know who will be interested in it. Darth Vowrawn. He'll be more than willing to take on this campaign with me.

Another... But they're not a Dark Lord... Or should I say she...

"I have 2 that could help, but one of them isn't a full-blown Dark Lord. Darth Vowrawn will be more than willing to undertake this with us. And I've heard of a Female Sith Lord that could be what we need..."

I've heard many things about Lana Beniko, but in the end. I'll need to see her in action before I actually decide to add her to my power base. So as of now, that wouldn't work.

"But in the end, we'll have to make do with Darth Vowrawn. I'll reach out to others, but this is the best I can do at this moment. Admiral, I want you to contact your allies too. Taking Corellia in the first stages of the War will be like The Sacking of Coruscant."

The Admiral lowers his head, and the hologram turns off. One of the many Captains under my command makes her way to me.

"Lord Marr. We've received transmissions from our spies on Corellia, and everything is ready for our invasion. All we need now is to move our forces into position and strike."

This is going well, and The Force isn't warning of anything that I haven't already foreseen.

"Good, Captain. Tell our forces to standby and wait for my signal. There are a few more things I must handle before we give the signal."

~~~(POV: Satele Shan)~~~

~~~(Location: Republic Flagship of Trinity Fleet, Hyperspace)~~~

"Now, why would we need to reinforce the fleets protecting The Core Worlds? The Empire wouldn't be that bold to strike so deep into our territory."

Listening to 4 different Admiral debates on what will and won't happen is getting us nowhere. And it's time that I step in.

"The fact of the matter is we don't have enough ships or troops to reinforce The Core Worlds. We'll be moving to make a Preliminary Strike on The Empire. We're hitting Ziost."

The Generals that are in attendance, along with The Admirals, are all silent at my proclamation. This is the plan. We take Ziost and gain a powerful foothold in Imperial space. If not, take it, level the world and move back to our borders and wait for a response.

"That's one of the most insane ideas I've ever heard, Grandmaster Shan. Even if we had the Fleet power to do so, what makes you think we can?"

There are many things I've learned in my time as Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. And one of those lessons of life was sometimes it's far easier to take control of something with the help of a few talented individuals.

Theron has agreed to help in the endeavor, and he's already on Ziost making sure things go smoothly. We've got other agents helping, and when we arrive. Everything will be ready.

~~~(POV: Theron Shan)~~~

~~~(Location: Ziost, Safe House)~~~

Meeting up with Nathen has to wait until I'm done with this. The Republic needs my help more since we're at War. I took a little... Vacation and handled some things. And now I'm back doing my job.

I've already got everything ready on Ziost. I'm waiting for Satele to give the signal, and I'll shut down the planet's entire power grid. Leaving it defenseless.

Word count: 744


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