

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: House Opal Party Chamber, Alderaan)~~~

"Ahh, Baron Regare... I haven't answered your proposal of marriage between my Daughter and your Son for a reason. Let's leave it at that, and not say anything more that might make the other angry."

Witnessing Alderaanian politics firsthand is more entertaining than I thought. The bewildered look on Baron Regare's face is something you'd only see when someone hasn't been talked to like that their entire life. Which is strange in itself here on Alderaan.

There isn't much you can do in front of the most powerful person on Alderaan in, my Aunt. Add that with my presence here, and you're Fark out of luck.

However, what I read from the man's mind makes me lift him up with The Force and him grabbing at his neck. His guards go for their weapons, but SCORPIO is already behind them and has knocked them unconscious.

I saw her coming, so there was no need to do anything regarding them. Aunt Mary knows I wouldn't do this without a reason, and she stands up and stares at the choking man.

The party has completely stopped, and everyone is staring at the scene that's playing out.

"My Nephew wouldn't do this for no reason at all, Baron Regare... If I had to guess, it's probably the assassination your family has been planning against mine."

The man's eyes widen with surprise. Even I'm a little impressed that Mary knew. I didn't look into her mind since she's family. But turns out I didn't need to do any of this since she already knows.

"Your entire family is still alive for a single reason, and that's because you've been useful to me thus far. But your family is quickly running out of uses, and I'm tempted to let my Nephew decide what to do about it."

She looks back at me with a grin, and I feel that she's been planning this since the moment she set up this party. Mary Opal is an extremely intelligent and dangerous woman. And I'm glad that she's my family.

My eyes fall toward Nella as she approaches, and she's looking more serious about things now. The same air that her Mother holds. If she can switch like this on a dime, she might prove to be teachable to me yet. I need to see a little more out of her.

"I've come across many despicable people in my travels across the galaxy. Hutts, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, Sith, and Jedi. But never have any of them been dumb enough to threaten my family. And the ones that killed my parents suffered a fate that you couldn't imagine."

The Star Cabal is the perfect example anyone can look at if they do such things to me. And this foolish Baron has threatened the last of my family.

"However, there is something I must find out first."

I drop the man, and he takes several deep breaths. He's on his knees and staring at the ground. I walk over to Nella, and I hand her my lightsaber. She looks at me in confusion.

"Kill him."

This is my test for Nella. If she can kill someone that's threatened her family and, by proxy, her life. She's proven that she's capable of learning my way of The Force. She sticks the handle out and ignites the Yellow Blade as it hums with the uniqueness of a Varpeline Crystal.

In an efficient and merciless motion, she takes the Baron's head off, and it rolls around on the ground. Realizing what she's done, she turns off the blade and takes some deep breaths.

Mary is looking at me with worry and concern, but all I do is give her a reassuring nod. Nella has what it takes to learn from me. She has the brutal and calculated instincts to survive and the self-consciousness to understand what she's done.

"Nella Opal."

She looks up from the ground now that she's caught her breath.

"You're now my Apprentice."

Mary grabs my forearm and squeezes it reassuringly. Saying silently that I've made the right choice and she's happy that I have. Mother helps Daughter stand up, and Nella approaches me.

"Yes, my Master."

She bows her head in respect, and I realize I have a lot to teach this girl. But now SCORPIO and I won't be alone on our journeys. And I'll be honest, Nella is safest when she's with me. Having the potential she does will attract The Sith and The Jedi.

She'll rival, in not surpass, Satele Shan one day.

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