
Catching Up I

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: House Opal Party Chamber, Alderaan)~~~

"You have a marvelous droid, Cousin! I've never seen a model like this before! Do you think we can buy one, Mother!? It'd be a great addition to the estate!!"

My Cousin Nella has taken a fascination with SCORPIO, and now that we're all seated in a private area within the party my Aunt is throwing, Nella is asking all the questions she's had on her mind since I arrived. It's nice to see someone that isn't afraid of me. And never has been.

"Her name is SCORPIO, and she's not a droid you can find anywhere else. I'm sure she'd be happy to keep you company while your Mother and I speak in private."

SCORPIO squints her eyes at me in disapproval, and I just smile at her with a victorious grin. It's not like she can say no about it. But Nella takes this as an opportunity to grab SCORPIO's hand and runs off with her to talk to her friends at this party.

Why Aunt Mary has decided to throw a party like this is obvious. It's to demonstrate power to the Nobility on Alderaan. To show that she still has a connection with me and that I'm a reason she shouldn't be challenged.

Normally, I'd be very upset at being used as a political tool. But this is my Aunt Mary. Practically one of the only family members I have left since I was a child. I can't be mad at her.

I want her to be protected, and if she needs to use my reputation to do that. Then that's fine with me.

"Now that you've sent my young Daughter away to her friends, why have you come to see me after all these years, Nate..."

I deserve that... I haven't sent so much as a Holo-recording or message to her since I joined the Jedi, and when I left. I didn't give her any thought. It's not what I'm proud of...

I've changed a great deal since I learned of my old life on Earth. The memories have helped me understand things I couldn't without them. And while I'm not the version of me from Earth, I'm not the version of me from Star Wars either.

If I were still that version of me from Star Wars, I'd be chasing down leads in the Empire. Completely unwise to The Star Cabal.

"I'm sorry for never getting into contact with you... There are many things I regret about my time alone, and filled with anger... It gave me focus, but on the wrong things..."

The Force doesn't influence me in the same ways it does physically to others... When I utilize The Dark Side of The Force. My body and mind aren't damaged in the process. It's from my origins as Abeloths Son and being born of The Force.

"It still hurts that you never got in touch with me after you left the Jedi... It made me think you didn't care anything about the Opal family..."

Mary doesn't know that I'm adopted... That I'm not Jorand and Lillis's biological son... And I don't think I'll ever tell her... I'm not cruel and vile enough to look into my Aunts mind to see if she does know... Doing that to my family isn't something I want to do... Especially if they can't use The Force...

"The journey getting here was a long one, and it took me a long time to find myself... After Ryloth... I felt like I had nothing left..."

Even now, the memory of my dead parents causes me to uncontrollably lash out with The Force. The building rumbles, and cracks spread under me and out across the floor. Some days are worse than others when I think about them.

My little moment of relapse is stopped as I feel Mary place her hand on my shoulder and sit next to me. Bringing me into a side hug, and trying to comfort me.

"Well... I've been pretty busy myself... Our House is now the most powerful in all of Alderaan, and you're welcome to stay here and enjoy it with the rest of your family if you wish..."

She's far kinder to me than I deserve, and it's an offer I'd take in a heartbeat if I were a different person than I am... A weak person with no power.

But that isn't who I am, and that's why I'm not going to stay.

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