
Heading to Balmorra

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Ship, Hyperspace)~~~

Balmorra is an important location in regards to either the Empire's or Republics' war efforts. It holds a strategic position between the Core worlds and Colonies that can run supplies to either side's fronts on other worlds. It's locked in a civil war at the moment and is being secretly supported by both sides. Technically, Balmorra belongs to the Empire.

There are millions of people that would disagree with that statement, though. Even though the Balmorran government sold its world to the Empire, its resistance is strong and has the Republic backing. In reality, it's a heavily contested world that can go to either side. A holopad floats in front of me, and I keep reading the information about Balmorra.

While being an arms world, they preferred neutrality in the conflict between the Jedi and Sith. "That could only lead to disaster, and from the looks of it, they've suffered greatly..." Pictures and recordings of what's happening on Balmorra play on the holopad, and I can sympathize with the people struggling against the Empire. Being oppressed isn't something I agree with.

If I wanted to, I could defeat the Empire on Balmorra, and not only would that give me an entire planet as an allied faction. I'd have won over an entire population. The downside is it doesn't serve my main goal, to invade Imperial space. "There is a lot of potential..." Taking Balmorra from the Empire and Republic can send a message.

Not only that, I'm sure the Balmorran resistance and people would love another option. This is a world that wouldn't go to the Hutt Cartel. Mainly because I won't be using the provided fleet to take it, which means the people will be more than willing to support my effort. They'd have to give up far more to the Republic than they would me.

I'll be arriving in about 10 hours, and that should be enough time for me to identify important locations and people through The Force. I'll be going in incognito and trying to do this quietly. I don't want the Empire or Republic to know I'm on Balmorra until I've completed what I'm going there to do, which is to secure weapons for my fleet's ships.

The holopad lands on the table next to me, and I close my eyes, thinking back to the woman on the hospital bed and how I feel like I know her. It's on the tip of my tongue, but it refuses to come out. "You know me..." A soft feminine voice echoes through my ship, and I jolt up. It's coming from the ship's backend, and that didn't sound like it was from the force.

I use The Force to try and feel if there is someone on board, but I don't get anything. I stand up, and I start walking in the direction I heard the voice. "You're getting closer... My sweet child..." The same voice, and this time it's calling me something only a mother would call her son. This doesn't sound like Lillis, and it's similar to one I've heard in my dreams.

Once inside the cargo bay, I see a tall woman with long beautiful white hair, and she herself is beautiful. "Who are you... I feel like I know you..." Her face twists into one of pain, and I feel her brush against my mind with The Force. I've never met anyone that can get through my mental barriers. Before I can ask again, the touch on my mind stops, and I watch her smile.

She fades away, and I'm left standing alone in the cargo bay. Whoever that was, was strong enough to hide her presence in The Force and hide from me. Also, being able to get past my mental defenses and see into my mind. Her connection to The Force was like my own... I'm getting a feeling that I'm learning things I'd rather be ignorant to.

I've suspected it before, but this makes it more possible... Maybe Jorand and Lillis aren't my birth parents... That could explain some of the things that have happened to me, but I can't say for sure with confirmation. "Another mystery to solve..." There is only one place that I can figure this out at, and that's Marisa. I'd share genetic markers with her if Jorand is my father.

I'll handle that after I'm done on Balmorra.

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