
Nar Shaddaa, The Hutt's World

{I've got some new and fresh ideas for this story, and after this chapter and the next one, they will be considerably shorter. It's easier for me to write 700 words than 1500. I'm also moving this story to my P-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you want to read advanced chapters then head there. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread, remember to remove the dashes.}

~~~(POV: Nathan Opal)~~~

~~~(Location: Hyperspace)~~~

I've spent the last 2 days training like crazy, and Nar Shaddaa is only a few hours out. I just got out of the sonic shower, and I head to the cockpit with the datapad with all the information regarding this Jacob Plour person. I sit down and start reading through the information. There are several different names he uses as aliases. Jacob Plour is the one he used on Coruscant. His file reads he is an Imperial infiltrator, one that works in a division of spies ran under a direct servant of the emperor. The servants of the emperor are fanatic's that serve him in every way. They mostly find important targets in the war and eliminate them or capture them. His information is very detailed and meticulously tracked. Whoever was in charge of finding these spies did a great job.

I open one of the attached files, and it reads that he is the primary suspect in many captures and espionage cases. The file even has details on what he stole. Some of the things are minor. The location of known fleets. Others are pretty sensitive information. One of these cases is about scientific study regarding a subject known as 'The Apex.' It's about a superweapon the republic found... How can you find a superweapon? This was the last known incident regarding Jacob Plour. I try to access the attached files regarding 'The Apex.' All I get is a bunch of files with redacted information. There is nothing to go on, I go to the bottom of the page, and there is a section not redacted. I read it since it's all I have.

[The organisms known as [Redatced] have proved to be an interesting discovery. They inhabit the cells of every creature, and the higher the count in a creature's cells, the more power over the force they'll command. It's around 9,000 [Redacted] when a subject shows ability in using the force. The discovery of these [Redacted] can be used as a method to find new force potentials. How this relates to 'The Apex.' is classified.]

I contemplate what I'm reading. So there is some connection between whatever this Redacted thing is and 'The Apex.'? This file is what Jacob Plour and his superiors were more than likely interested in. These are republic files too. The republic doesn't like using super weapons. So whatever it is, it must be powerful enough to warrant attention from both sides. I use Mechu-Deru to try and unencrypt the file further, but I get nothing. This is just a copy of a classified version. The actual document isn't on this datapad. I set it on the table next to my chair. I close my eyes think about what this Jacob Plour knows about. How does anything in those files relate to my parents? This doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

If I want to know why my parents were targeted, finding the unclassified files on these is a priority. They wouldn't keep sensitive secrets like these at Coruscant or any of the core worlds. One place that I can think of them being is on Corellia, but that's in the middle of a war. They would've extracted the information and taken it somewhere else. A place that wouldn't be suspected. My parents were taken because they knew something about the file. Jacob Plour didn't find what he was looking for on Coruscant. I have it, though, a classified version of it. "Why would the Emperor of the Sith Empire capture my parents..." The obvious answer is me, but there has to be more to it than just me. There are many secrets I have to uncover.

The place they would keep this information is going to be hard to find. I cross my legs as I sit in the pilot's chair. I meditate and dive deeply into the force. I feel every sense of the world leave me, and I search for the answers I need. As a second, a name flashes through my head. "Kemro the Hutt..." I pull myself out of the force, and I open my eyes. A Hutt will have the information I need, at least a place that I can look. The empire is known for dealing with the Hutts. Jacob Plour probably got help from this specific Hutt. I use the force to lift me from my seat and stand. I walk out of the cockpit and take a seat in the booth near the kitchen. I open the holo-net and search for any information regarding Kemro. A couple of things pop up, and I open the first site I see.

[The World of Nar Shaddaa]

[Nar Shaddaa is a world of pleasure and technology. A haven for the degenerates of the galaxy. While Nar Shaddaa claims to be a neutral world, it's, in fact, 100% controlled by the Hutt Cartel. The Hutt Cartel controls a portion of the mid rim and outer rim. The hierarchy of the Hutt Cartel is not fully known, only that the heads of Hutt families control separate parts of Hutt space. One family in the Hutt cartel controls a specific part, and the other can't interfere with the dealings of that Hutt family. This is what is believed, however. We don't fully know.]

[One of the few Hutts in charge on Nar Shaddaa goes by the name of Kemro. Many suspect Kemro of dealing with both the republic and the empire, which is a war crime, but no evidence has come out to support the accusation. Kemro is in charge of the funds on Nar Shaddaa, and he usually spends time in his personal yacht floating around the red light district. It's heavily guarded, and no one is allowed on without the permission of Kemro or his son Jemro.]

That gives me all the information I need. Kemro is my target on Nar Shaddaa, and this will be a new experience for me. I've never dealt with the Hutts and criminal organizations so directly before. Kemro might even know more about 'The Apex.' superweapon. I get out of the booth and head back to the cockpit. There is still a little over an hour before I reach Nar Shaddaa, and that leaves me some time to meditate on my control of the force. I've gained much power in these last two days, but I keep discovering more power buried within. More I need to learn how to control. As I meditate, I get a wave through the force. I don't know where or what it's from, but it feels so familiar.

The last bit of time passes and the console chirps, letting me know I'm about to arrive at Nar Shaddaa. I slowly bring the ship out of hyperspace and power down the hyperdrive engines. After a couple of seconds, the blue hue of hyperspace fades, and a world that looks mostly machine glows in yellow light. Since this is a neutral world, there is no air traffic control. I bring the ship down slowly and find a landing pad at one of the ports. I fully land the ship and exit it. As I'm walking the ramp to the main path on the landing pad, a group of armored men approaches. They range between Twi'leks, humans, Trandosians. "You know there is a landing fee, right? Kemro doesn't like people landing in the red light district without paying." One of the Humans speaks, and I standstill.

He smirks and gets really cocky. I can tell that Nar Shaddaa is going to have a lot more of these guys than Coruscant. "I'll tell you what if you can beat me in a draw. I'll le-!!" I lift my left hand and grip all of them with the force. They are locked in place midair. I can feel their fear and how much they regret approaching me. I kill them all with the squeeze of my hand. Onlookers cringe in horror as their bodies crumple from the force. I wave my hand, and they go flying off the edge and out of sight. I look around and see all the faces of criminals. They don't know whether to start shooting or run away.

I look around and find the calmest out of all of them. It's a male Twi'lek sitting down, swirling a drink in his hand as he smirks. I wave my hand and pull him from the bar he's in and out the window. I lock him in place in front of me on his knees. He doesn't have that confident feeling anymore, but he has control of his fear. "Tell me where Kemro's yacht is. I need a meeting with the fat Hutt." Many draw their blasters at my words, but I lift all the people that drew their weapons, and I throw them off the edge, still alive. I hear their screams fade as they fall. That discourages the rest from trying anything else.

I let the Twi'lek lift his head and look at me. "He hangs around the VIP airspace. It's two miles north of here. You'll never get on alive." I smirk as he says that. My hood hides my face well, but he sees the smile and looks confused.

I let him go fully and he goes limp for a second before springing to his feet and backing away in caution. "Who said I'm going to his yacht... I'm going to bring it to me." He looks at me in disbelief and I charge the most powerful force wave I have until this point and unleash it in all directions. Everyone close is disintegrated and the rest are crushed from the incoming force as they collied with things. The builds around the metal path fold from the impact and begin to fall. I jump to safety and the rest of the people in that area die. Time to get Kemro.

Next chapter