

Amor is sleeping silently in my lap as I peer into the future, but no matter how much I search, Amor's future remains hidden from my gaze. The force is shielding him. For what reason, I don't know. Even with all our power, some individuals can rival us. That isn't something that often happens, though. "NNNGGAAAA!!" Amor makes a noise at me, and I look down at him. He is trying to reach my breast. I can't breastfeed him, so I'll use the force to sustain him. I pour power into him, and he quiets down. He relaxes and falls back asleep.

The family is going to have a hard time with this one. They never had a child of their own, though, so I'm sure they will welcome him with open arms. It should be a few more minutes till we get to Tatooine. The day went fast while looking through time. I get up, walk over to the pilot's controls, and enter commands to exit hyperspace. The time passes, and we exit hyperspace over Tatooine. I activate the stealth mode and begin the descent. We reach the surface and land near a farm. This is the place. This is going to be Amor's new family.

I exit the ship and approach the sculpted home. I make it to the front door and knock on it. The mother answers the door and looks at me in fear. To them, I would look weird. "Wh-What do yo-you want?" I hold the child out, and she takes him. The husband comes around the corner and sees me. He pulls out his blaster and points it at me. He grabs his wife and pulls her behind him with Amor in hand. I'm no longer needed. I turn around and head back to my ship. I enter it and look out the window one last time towards the family as they stand outside watching me leave. As the Daughter leaves the planet, Lillis Opal is the woman who holds baby Amor.

I look at my husband in confusion, and he looks at me the same way. He then looks at the baby. We have both wanted a child for so long, and Jorand wants a son just as bad as me. We learned I couldn't conceive, though, so we have lived out here together for a long time. "What are we going to do with him?" I ask Jorand this important question as I kiss the baby's forehead. I rub the back of his head, contemplating what we should do. I personally think he is a gift. He shrugs his shoulders and puts his blaster back in its holster.

He gets closer and takes a good look at the boy. "I don't see any harm in keeping him. He is going to need a name, though. Do you have any ideas?" I think for a second, and I can't think of any good ones. As I think, a light bulb goes off in my head. For some reason, the name Nathan seems perfect. I tell my husband, and he smiles. "I think that's a perfect name. So what do you think, little guy? How does the name Nathan sound to you?" The baby opens his eyes slightly and closes them again. He must be exhausted.

We will need to get supplies for him. I can't feed him myself, so that means we'll need a substitute. "I'll go to town right now and get us some supplies. Lesmari will know what the baby needs. Do you want to come with me?" I nod my head yes at my husband's offer. We load up into the landspeeder, and Jorand starts the engines. We take off to the closest town and walk into the general store. Smugglers and bounty hunters are going in and out of the bar across the street. As soon as we enter the store, Lesmari greets us.

She gives us a big smile and holds up her arms. "The Opals are here! What can I do for you today?" She sees the newborn baby boy in my arms. "Well, I'll be rancor shit! You guys really did it, didn't you! Congratulations are in order!" We haven't seen Lesmari in a very long time, so this baby will look like ours. We approach the counter, and Jorand lays down credits. "You must need a big order if you're giving me this much." She isn't wrong. We'll need all the essentials for little Nathan.

Jorand begins to list off all the things we need. "I've got everything you need, and I'll even give you a discount in celebration." Jorand and Lesmari proceed to fill the landspeeder with everything Nathan will need. I look down at my new son as I rock him side to side in my arms to comfort him. I look out the window and see commotion at the cantina across the street. Both Lesmari and Jorand come in, so they don't get involved. It looks to be a dispute between bounty hunters. They are having a stand-off right now.

I watch them draw their blasters and start firing at each other. I get low and shield Nathan. Even though none of the blaster bolts are getting close, I'm not risking it. Both Lesmari and Jorand get low with me but continue to watch. "I can't wait till I have enough to retire and move off this shit planet. I've got my eyes on a nice freighter, and I've almost got enough credits." We don't come into the city very often, so I don't see what Lesmari deals with every day. If I did, I'd want to leave as well. Our farm is far enough out there and safe that we don't need to leave. "Speaking of bad shit, did you hear that the sith have retaken Korriban and the empire is back." I look at Lesmari in confusion. We don't get much news out on our farm, so we aren't updated on the news.

The bounty hunter's fight ends, and they are dragging the loser away. "Let's get back to our home Jorand. I don't feel comfortable staying here right now." I exit the store behind Jorand and get into the landspeeder. We say our goodbyes to Lesmari and head out. On our way back, I look out to the sunset. "Do you think that Tatooine will be dragged into the empire and republics fight... Now that the empire is back, it's certain that conflict will get worse..." I don't hear my husband say anything. I feel his hand reach over and massage the back of my neck. He is trying to get me to relax.

Tatooine is already a hard place to live. With war coming, I fear that it will reach our farm. "There is nothing to worry about. If anyone comes knocking at our door, you can be sure that I'll send them back the way they came." We ride in silence on the way back. I feel Nathan moving around. I look down, and I see him awake and looking around. He must be starving. We make it home in a couple of minutes, and we unpack the supplies we got from Lesmari.

I take out the artificial milk and prepare it. Once done, I put it in front of Nathan, and he latches onto it. I watch him suck away. I'm sad I couldn't birth my own child. I'll love Nathan twice as much since he will be the only chance of me being a mother. I rock him as he feeds on the milk. I hum a melody my mother sang to me. I walk outside and sit down on one of the chairs. Jorand follows me out and sits next to me. We sit and watch the sunset. I look up into the stars now that the sun is gone. I thank whoever brought this bundle of love into our lives. I promise to take care of him.

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