
Fresh Look

Waking up to the beeping sound of the alarm.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I made some grunting noise as I stretch my legs while waking up from my slumber. "Mmm—mm!"

Looking at the young woman embracing my body on my left, she has beautiful long eyelashes and silky smooth blonde hair—It was Naoki sleeping peacefully in my body while her arms are wrapped around my body and pressing her soft chest against mine.

Naoki was wearing pajamas with cute little cat patterns around them, which perfectly fit her because she's looking like a cat purring as she rubs her head. Then I looked at my right, you guess it right—Nee-san was sleeping naked while embracing me.

Then I remembered something. Izumi-sensei instructed Naoki to never leave my side until tomorrow. As I stare at the ceiling, I started reminiscing about the horrific events of yesterday.

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