
Chapter 17 Tell Them!!

But he still refused, he moved his head to the sides showing his denial.

Dammit Marcus!! Why can't you just listen to me!!

I hurriedly went downstairs.

Large number of people blocked my path but I pushed and dodged them to make my way.

"You want to die protecting that bastard who dosen't even give a damn about you!! So generous of you!!"

Xavier said and in response Marcus just smiled.

Even with blood flowing out of his mouth he managed to give him a smile which further fumed Xavier.

Then Marcus said those words which made me change my mind.

"My loyalty remains till my last heartbeat remains... My respect remains till her head is held high again... my hope remains till the royal blood keeps flowing in her veins."

"Then you better die with these hopes kept in vain if you don't tell me where he is!!"

With this Xavier pulled up a wolfsbane coated knife ready to stab him.

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