
Chapter 19

Nathan sat in the verandah overlooking the city. An empty bottle and half empty bottle of scotch lay on the table in front of him.

Six days.

Six days since he had last seen her. He took another gulp straight from the bottle. Why did he feel so helpless?

Another gulp.

He missed her smile, her laughter. He missed entangling his fingers in her hair.

Not sex but just him and her sharing their warmth. He missed her shy blush when he held her hand. He went into his house with his bottle.

He missed her pancakes and eating them. He missed eating her even more.

He heard the door click. Someone was in his house. Was she- He sped down the stairs hoping-somehow hoping she was there.

No. What was he even expecting?

"Nathan. Look at you." Victoria said.

"Hey mom, you didn't tell me you were coming."

"Well you didn't pick my calls." She moved closer to him taking his face in her hands. "You look-You seem so stressed. I'm so worried. Your father is worried too."

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