
Scroll of Truths

"Dr. Understands Guard has a Black car with a licence plate that says Understand im currently looking into where he would be. It says hes own his way to his house we should meet him there"

"Good idea Kenji imma go back to spectating yall go grab the scroll"

Kuzan leaves and Eclipse runs to The Guards home

Minutes later and the guard makes it home

"Damn cant believe Dr. Understand made me leave early today but what can I do about it I only have one job "protect the scroll" and that's all I can do for now"

The guard knocks on the door but nobody opens up he then runs in and sees his wife tied up

"Honey what happened"

"There's some people in here they said they were stealing something"

The Guard grabs his gun and walks around the house he then enters the living room and sees Sin, Akira and Haru sitting on the couch He starts shooting but Sin and Akira stop the bullets they drop it and sit back down

"You like that Dr right why do I always have to deal with you people leaving my house I don't have much money"

Sin then gets up and walks toward him he points at the suitcase and asks for it

"You want this? I can't give it to you sorry it's irreplaceable and I was asked to guard it"

Sin walks out of the room and grabs the Guards wife he then sits back down and holds onto her and puts his hand to her neck

"What's more valuable your wife or that suitcase think about it"

The guy looks at his wife and looks at the suitcase he then raises his gun and shoots his wife

"I hope that answers your question"

Sin lets go of her and she drops dead He then laughs

"Your a crazy bastard you know that but that was the only way for you to walk out alive now you'll die and we will walk away with that suitcase"

The guard then reaches for his pocket takes out a smoke grenade and throws it on the floor he then tries to run but Sin starts tossing lightning everywhere Akira runs outside the house to see if the guard makes it out he runs back in to tell Sin he isn't outside

"I think you killed him"

"That's ok just find his body"

"Can't believe I survived that, that was close I gotta call Dr. Understand and let him know what's happening

He calls Dr. Understand but he doesn't pick up

"Damn what's up with him not answering at a time like this he could probably take them out if he was here I gotta keep moving"

"Dr. Understand are you ok?"

"Yea you shouldn't have come back you coulda died"

"You seemed like you were in trouble so I just returned

"I could have escaped from that guys hold I just needed to know what they came for anyways where's the rest

"We're right here"

Zenkai,Jasmin,Shin,JX and Rai walk in

"We talked about it and we decided to fight back we don't know what they came for but there 7 of us and only 3 of them"

"No we cant the way they move they're not a regular organization they had everything planned out as if a genius was controlling the flow they got the jump on me. we lost that fight all we can do is return to base and call for backup whatever they want they probably won't stop till they get it''

Darling looks up

"That storm is getting crazier that guy might destroy this whole city if that keeps up"

Dr. Understand checks his phone and sees a missed call from the guard he calls him back the guard picks up right away

"Dr. Understand where are you"

"We are on our way to the base why"

"Some guy attacked my home and killed my wife he said he wanted the scroll him and he was with two other guys"

"Wait what did he have a weird marking on him"

"Um no not that I remem- wait yea he had a lightning bolt under his left eye"

"Damn so that's what they wanted do you still have the scroll and tell us your location right now we will meet you there"

"I'm near the bridge that connects the Kaijo region and the Taeju region and yea I still have the scroll"

Dr. Understand hangs up and returns to his students

"Plan changed we will go grab the scroll and get ready for action I don't see us escaping this without a fight Shin can you open a portal to the bridge that connects the Taeju and Kaijo region"

"Yes I can but are you sure you gonna fight them you saw what happened last time"

"Yea I understand but like Zenkai said we stand a better chance together and I didn't want it to come to this but it seems like there's a traitor among the groups nobody knew of the scroll except this group another group in the Kaijo region and the Soldiers"

Everyone stared at each other with silence all trust flew out the window Shin walks forward and opens his portal Dr. Understand walks through and everyone follows after

Bunch of cars rush by

"Why did you bring us to the edge shin'

"Sorry I just never been here so i don't know what it looks like i just imagined the edge and the portal opened and before I could fix it you ran in"

"What? I can't hear you bruh its really windy and these cars are loud"

Dr. Understand walks forward and signals everyone to follow he then makes it to the end of the bridge and looks around


The guard comes running toward Dr. Understand and stops to take a breath Dr. Understand takes the suitcase from him and opens it up he grabs the scroll hands and tries to hand it over to Sin when a light beam gets shot at Understands arm he drops the scroll

"you thought you escaped earlier huh"

Kenji starts shooting more beams and everyone jumps and ducks. Sin then appears and runs to the scroll Darlings runs to it as well they grab it at the same time

"Oh hey why'd you run away earlier I was just starting to have fun?"

"Shut up and let go of this"

"Its seems like your gonna have to fight me for it"

Darling let's go of the scroll then back up he gets into a fighting stance and charges and Sin. Sin blocks it but gets pushed back Sin throws the scroll to Haru and looks at darling

"Part two no running away this time"

"Not planning on it"

Sin and Darling then charge at each other and slam their fist into each other this moment was instant but it seemed to last forever they back up again and Darling uses Sins ability against him Sin deflects the attack with his own

"You're not original at all cant respect a copy"

"A copy that's better than the original? Sounds sad"

The storm in the sky was now getting bigger the clouds were darker and lightning fell from all directions

"They say lightning doesn't hit the same place twice but it's because what it hit isn't there a second time"

Shin opens a portals Dr. Understand tells everyone to come through it and they'll get the scroll later everyone's going in but Darling declines

"Darling this isn't the time to act tough get in"

"I'm sorry but I can't run away from this fight"

Zenkai looks at darling and tries to walk through the portal but before he does Kuzan appears, Zenkai turns around and he stares at Kuzan

Kuzan grins and walks toward Kenji he grabs the scroll and opens it

"Looks like this was tampered with and the truth was changed. how ironic the scroll of truths filled with lies"

Zenkai comes out the portal and he stares at Kuzan

"Wait I know you from somewhere"

"Do you though? Then explain to me where you know me"

"I don't know just you looks familiar"

Kuzan turns around and smiles

"Maybe it was apart of our Fate to meet"

Zenkai then suddenly freezes his heart pounds fast and the ground starts shaking

"Sir I can't hold this portal open any longer"

"Wait don't-"

The portal closes leaving Zenkai and Darling stuck with Eclipse

Darling rushes Sin and hits him, Sin gets pushed back he then runs and attacks back him and darling gets into a full clash. Darling grabs Sins hand and tosses him up he makes a lightning bolt and throws it after him

Sin grabs the bolt and stops mid air

"You really piss me off you know"

"You can fly now?"

"What do you fight for Darling"

"Nothing I just wanna take villains down"

Zenkai losing control and the bridge seeming like it's about to collapse Kuzan puts his hand up and aims at Zenkai.

"Killing you now would assure my win in the future"

But Kuzan stops, Zenkai isn't in his original spot, he was gone.

Kuzan looks up and sees Zenkai coming down to hit him, Kuzan dodges then grabs Zenkai's head and slams him into the ground.

"You said you enjoy taking out villains, so do you see me as a villain"

"Of course, you killed a town of innocent people and attacked my teacher"

"Well that town I destroyed had a 95% criminal rate and they owned slaves. I took them out because I didn't believe their existence was necessary to this world, and I attacked your teacher only because he used his time on me. I woulda just grabbed the scroll and left, but you don't know the hell this world put me through so you can't call me the villain"

"Are you trying to justify your reason?"

"No I'm just saying behind every villain is just a victim whose story isn't told"

Kuzan looks at Zenkai

"You're a disgrace to our people"

Kuzan leaves with his scroll and Kenji follows him

Sin floats higher and points to the clouds

"Here's one thing you should know Darling, people are not born "heroes or villains"; they're created by the people around them. I created your way of fighting so i'll take it away"


Once his attack hit, the whole bridge was destroyed. There wasn't a soul to be seen everything was just gone, Sin looked down on this world he secretly despised

"Evil will always triumph, because good is too soft"

Next chapter