
Chapter 93 Fight with Cannibal Candy (1/?)

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


==Raishin's POV==

"You're too arrogant if you could handle me without that blonde girl's help." Said Risette inside those mist around us.

"We will see about that....Yaya, "4th Strike: Silent Forest"." I said that to Risette as green strings of magic energy coming out from my hand towards Yaya.

(A/N: "Silent Forest" or Shinkan, is a command to increase Yaya's endurance and sturdiness to intercept any attacks. The higher the number that had been mentioned, the higher the strength behind that command. The number starts from 4 and continues with the multiple of 4 (4, 8, 12, 16,...).)

Yaya shines in green aura for a moment before its dissipated as I'm ready for the attack from the Risette.

In a moment, a water spike coming at my direction where Yaya had blocked that water spike's path before she slams her fist at that spike and cause it to disappear.

Another 4 water spikes had came at my direction again from four different locations where I had avoided two of the spikes by jumping away from that location while another two had been destroyed by Yaya.

When I'm battle with Risette within the mist, I can sense that the mist could hurt me as my skin had felt burning sensation when in contact with it. Yaya's clothes can be seen had been corroded slightly when it had touched those mist.

I'm looking at Yaya and say: "Yaya, return back at my side. Those mist have corrosive ability inside it so we need to disperse those things first."

Yaya returns back in front of me where I say: "Yaya, "12th Strike: Flaming Light"...Blow those mist away."

Yaya shines into crimson-like aura for a little after crimson strings of magic energy had came from my palm.

(A/N: "Flaming Light" or Kouen, is a command for Yaya to release barrage of attacks to the enemies. Higher the number of command had said, higher the damage that will be done.)


Sound of Yaya hitting the ground at different location can be heard as the mist starts to disappear slowly and revealing the armoured Risette while holding a metal ball spike in her hand that had been connected with the metal chains.

"I'm impressed with your current strength that you had shown at me right now, Raishin-san. However, it's still not enough to defeat me." Praised Risette at me before she claims that I could not defeat her.

"Maybe...but I had caused your mist to be disappeared, Risette-san." Commented me towards her.

I can see Risette had tapped her feet on the ground where my instinct had been triggered and cause me to jump away from my place which I shouted at Yaya: "Yaya, moves away from that place right now."

Water spikes had emerged from the ground under my feet where those spikes could not hurt me and Yaya although some tears can be seen at mine and Yaya's clothes.

"I'm surprised to see you could avoid my sneak attack. However, how about the two people from your side, Raishin-san?" Commented Risette at me.

I looks at Risette where she taps her feet again which I cursed in my mind before I'm looking at Charlotte and Lily's direction and see that Risette's water spikes had been blocked by blue shield that surrounded Charlotte and Lily.

I exhale a sigh of relief after saw that where I can heard Lily said to me: "Don't worry, Raishin-sama. I will protect Charlotte-sama so you could focus on the enemy in front of you."

I thanked Lily which she just nods her head and I'm facing Risette again after saying: "Now, you couldn't hurt those two anymore. It's my turn to strike, Risette-san....Yaya, "8th Flaming Light" and "8th Strike: Howling Wind"." I said that at Risette before I gave my command at Yaya which cause crimson-like strings of energy and blue strings of energy coming out from my palm and went through Yaya.

(A/N: "Howling Wind" or Suimei, a command to increase Yaya's agility where the higher the number of command had said, the higher Yaya's agility.)

==POV End==

Yaya dashes forward at Risette before she pushes her fist at Risette's stomach which had been blocked by metal ball with spikes from Risette's side.

Risette had been pushed away by Yaya's fist where she had been slid away for about 5 metres before she stop where she readied her stance back.

"Impressive punch...but still not enough." Commented Risette towards Yaya's attack.

Risette pushes her feet slightly as she dashing forward where she throws the metal ball first at Yaya which Yaya had avoided that easily.

Risette throws the back end of the metal chain at Yaya where there is a metal stake there which grazed Yaya's clothes slightly before Risette throws again that metal ball at Yaya as she grabs the metal stake when changing her direction.

Yaya kicks away that metal ball before landing on the ground but she had been surrounded again by those mist that had been released by Risette.

Yaya stayed still in her spot as she readied for any incoming attack which four water spikes coming up from her spot which she narrowly dodged that.

Another four water spikes had been thrown in front of Yaya and a metal spike coming from opposite direction which she slightly jumps to avoid those attack which cause those water spikes break apart when meeting with the metal ball.

Yaya lands on the metal ball and she grabs the chain that connected with metal ball before pulling it which cause a figure to come at her direction. Yaya use her kick to attack the incoming Risette which cause Risette to fly away and dispersing those mist away.

Yaya returns back at Raishin's side where he asked her: "How the battle with Risette, Yaya? Any chance for us to defeat her?"

"It's quite passable, Raishin, but I don't whether we could defeat her as I barely could damage her although all of my attack had been connected to her body." Replied Yaya to Raishin.

As Raishin and Yaya had finished their conversation, they can see a figure of Risette walking towards their location without any significant damage on her body. Risette can be seen had changed her equipment where she had been equipped with a shield and a lance.

"It's my turn to attack, Raishin-san. Prepare yourself." Said Risette before she moving towards Raishin and Yaya with increased speed.

Risette thrusts her lance at her enemy multiple times where Raishin and Yaya had avoided those thrusts where its leaving several marks on the ground.

Yaya moves closer to Risette before releasing several punches which had been parried with Risette's lance while Raishin coming from opposite direction and throws his fist at Risette but had been blocked by her shield.

Raishin and Yaya had exchanged several attacks with Risette where she expertly blocking all of their attack before she slams her feet on the ground and causing the ground to tremble which had made Raishin and Yaya losing their balance.

Without wasting that opportunity, Risette had attacked Raishin and Yaya with several water spikes where she throws those spikes with high velocity towards Raishin and Yaya.

"SHIT!!!...Yaya, moves here quickly." Yelled Raishin at Yaya which she coming at his side before he continues: "12th Binding: "Nature's Ruggedness"."

Yaya stands in front of Raishin while shines slightly with yellow aura where yellow strings of energy are coming from Raishin's palm.

(A/N: "Nature's Ruggedness" or Tenken, a command to increase the hardness of Yaya's body. The higher the number of command had said, the higher the hardness of the body has increased. 'Strike' command for offense while 'Binding' command for defense.)

Yaya stands still as those water spikes had came at her direction where those spikes broke apart as they had hit her body although she had been pushed back for several steps.

"Yaya, are you fine?" Asked Raishin to Yaya.

"Yeah, Raishin, I'm fine." Replied Yaya.

"Anyway, why Risette has many attacks from those corrosive mist, water spikes, that metal ball, and finally that shockwave?" Asked Raishin to himself.

"It's because she had consumed those magic circuits from her victims which enabling her to use those attack." Answered Charlotte as she heard Raishin's question.

"I see...so, what we need to do to defeat her, Charlotte?" Asked Raishin at Charlotte.

"I don't know....why don't we hit her heart where her magic circuits had been placed? Maybe we could defeat her." Replied Charlotte.

Raishin nods his head before raises her palm and say: "Yaya, 16th Strike: "Flaming Light"...16th Strike: "Howling Wind"...16th Strike: "Silent Forest"..."

Series of commands had been said by Raishin where crimson strings, blue strings, and green strings of magic energy are coming out from his palm before those magic energies are entering Yaya's body which cause Yaya shines in crimson, blue and green aura for a moment.

Yaya and Risette dashing towards each other where they exchanging several attacks before Yaya had succeeded to disarm Risette's lance where Yaya continues her attack at Risette's chest.

Risette flew away from Yaya's attack which cause dust to rise up at her crashing point where Raishin said: "Are Yaya's attack has succeeded?"

As he had said that, Raishin can see Risette starts to stand up again where her body has a hole at her chest before its slowly had been repaired back to normal.

"I don't that you could leave a hole gap on my chest. I'm very impressed with that, you know. However, I'm very fortunate to consume those magic circuits as those things had helped me with that attack from your automaton, Raishin-san." Said Risette as she dusted away all the dirt from her armour.

She continues: "Are you ready for the next round?" Risette readied her equipment back as she looking at Raishin and Yaya.


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