
Chapter 91 Visiting Charlotte

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


==5 hours ago before Raishin had been assaulted by fake Risette.==

Kanda, Lily and Yaya had went to the Kimberley's office after they had separated from Raishin after their breakfast.

Yaya was reluctant to follow us but after Raishin's persuasion, she had relented and followed Kanda.

They only took 15 minutes to arrive at their destination before Kanda knocks on the door and the person inside the room had invited then to enter.

When Kanda and others entered the room, they can see a bespectacled woman with short red hair and sapphire eyes inside there which she had standing facing her back at them as she looking outside the window.

"Good morning, Kimberley-san." Greeted Kanda at Kimberley after entered the room.

Kimberley turns her body to see the newcomers before she say: "Good morning, Dark Crimson...or I should call you, Crimson Prince just like your fangirls."

"No, Kimberley-san, just call me Ichijou or Kanda." Corrected Kanda to Kimberley.

"Sure, Crimson Prince Ichijou." Replied Kimberly dryly before she makes her way to her seat in the office.

Kanda just sweatdropped at her response before he sits at the couch inside the office after had been asked by Kimberley.

"So, you've come here today to see Charlotte, right?" Asked Kimberley after Kanda had sat on his seat.

"Yes." Replied Kanda short.

"May I hear again the reason for you to see Student Charlotte, Crimson Prince Ichijou?" Asked Kimberley at Kanda.

"Sure, Kimberley-san. I want to see Char because I want to hear what had happened at her three days ago after our date as I and Raishin had visited her room one day earlier and don't see anything suspicious inside her room." Answered Kanda.

"Maybe she had been hidden those things nicely which cause you and "Second Last" not detect it." Said Kimberley for her opinion.

(A/N: "Second Last" is Raishin's nickname from Kimberley as he had received second last for his entrance examination.)

"That's impossible, Kimberley-san. I have the ability to detect any presence within 500 metres with me as its centre and I can assure that I don't detect anyone at her room at that time except for her and Sigmund. Furthermore, my partner here, Lily, can detect almost anything within her view range either its visible or not but she also doesn't detect anything within Char's room. I even can ask her to detect what is your underwear that you had wore today, Kimberley-san" Replied Kanda at Kimberley.

"Hoo~What a bold declaration, Crimson Prince Ichijou! Why don't you try to guess my underwear today?" Challenged Kimberley at Kanda as she let her chin rested at her clasped hand on the table.

"Ok." Answered Kanda before he looks at Lily beside him and say: "Lily, can you use your ability to detect what Kimberley-san had requested?"

"Of course, Ichijou-sama. Please wait for awhile." Replied Lily before she looks at the figure of Kimberley for a moment before she say: "She is wearing a black lace underwear inside her uniform, Ichijou-sama."

Kanda could not help but gulps slightly as he listened to Lily's description about Kimberley's underwear.

"Do you like what you had heard, Crimson Prince Ichijou?" Asked Kimberley as she saw Kanda's reaction.

"Of course..." Answered Kanda absentmindly before he realises what he had said which he corrected: "Please ignore my words, Kimberley-san."

Kimberley just chuckles a little at Kanda's reaction before she say: "It's fine, I don't care about the student had saw my underwear as not many could get this opportunity."

Kanda let out a sigh of relief as he heard that before he say: "So, can I visit Char now?"

"Of course, I had promised you yesterday but I want you to ensure that Charlotte was not the "Cannibal Candy". If not, I will arrest you and your friend, "Second Last"." Replied Kimberley at Kanda before she looks with serious expression on her face as she said at the end.

"No problem, Kimberley-san. I swear on my existence that Char is not the "Cannibal Candy"." Declared Kanda firmly at Kimberley.

Kimberley nods her head at his reply before she took him, Lily, and Yaya to the place where Charlotte had been arrested. When she had met with other guards at that place, she had informed to those guards that she had brought Kanda and others with her to support her in her patrol job which those guards had allowed his entry to the place they had been going.

After they had passed several inspection, Kanda looks at Kimberley in front of him and say: "Why don't they had inspect us more carefully, Kimberley-san? I don't think that those inspection can be so lax to allow our entrance here."

"Well, it's because your feat to fight equally with Magnus had spread around the academy including us, the professors. So, they don't really care about your presence here as your strength had told us everything." Answered Kimberley as she leading them.

"How about Yaya's presence with me here?" Asked Kanda again.

"She had came with you here today, so they had assumed that she also your automaton as a Puppeteer with several automatons are not rare as Magnus even have 6 maidens inside his squadron so for you to have two automatons are not really strange." Replied Kimberley.

After walking for another 10 minutes, they had arrived at the cell where Charlotte had been placed. Charlotte's cell had minimum amount of functionality to support her living as there are simple bed, toilet, table and chair.

Kanda comes closer to her cell before he say: "Hello, Char. I have come today to visit you."

Charlotte can be seen had raised her head as she listened to the his voice before she coming at Kanda before being stopped by the metal bars at her cell.

==Charlotte's POV.==

When I had been arrested by the Student Council Committee members, I already knew that my fate had been sealed where they will suspect me as the "Cannibal Candy". I also can see those missing magic circuits had been found inside my room as Sigmund had been laying down with those things beside him. I tried to call him many times but he could not heard me as he can be seen had lost his consciousness.

After that, I had been escorted to my cell while Sigmund had been brought to the "Locker" where the automaton will be locked up.

After they had thrown me to the cell, I could only sit at the bed inside the cell where I can see minimum furniture had been placed here.

My only hope that Kanda could find me anything to prove my innocence but I'm scared as I don't want him to be arrested because of me. Therefore, I'm holding back my wish as I spent my time inside this cell for a night.

The next day, the guard had brought me a breakfast which I'm grateful for that. I continue my day inside the cell where the guard will send me a meal during lunch and dinner although the meal not really appetizing for me.

When the next day has arrived, I continue my day like usual with the breakfast before I can heard a voice that I had always dreamed as I sleep. I raise my head and looks at the outside of my cell which I can see Kanda as he looking at me while smiling before he greeted me.

I come closer to him before the metal bars had blocked me from hugging him. I can feel his hand on my head as he rubbing my head softly before he say: "Are you fine, Char?"

Listened to his caring words, I had released tears from my eyes which he wipes away ny tears and continues his words: "Don't cry anymore, Char. I had arrived here and I will try my best to help you getting outside from this cell."

I'm just nodding my head at his words before he asking me about what had happened to me after I had separated from him after the date.

I had told him that I had found unconscious Sigmund at the floor of my room which several magic circuits around him before my room had been entered by those students from the Student Council Committee.

Kanda listened to my story carefully before he say: "I had listened to your story, Char, and I could guarantee that you're innocent but I need to listen the report from Raishin first as he currently visiting Sigmund with Risette."

As I heard the name of Risette, I could not help but to say: "Kanda...when I had been arrested by those students, I can see that Risette also had presented during my arrest but her expression is a bit weird."

Kanda looks at my face before he say with serious tone: "What can you describe with her face, Char?"

I think for a moment before say: "Although her face always emotionless when talking with others, I can sense that she looks at me just like a predator which cause me to shudder. However, when I looks again at her for the second time, that feeling had disappeared without trace."

Kanda had thought about my words for a moment before he looks behind him and say: "Kimberley-san, may I know whether there is something had happened to Risette before?"

I'm surprised to see Professor Kimberley had arrived with Kanda here as I don't see her as someone who will help other without any reason. However, I don't care about that as I'm already grateful that Kanda had came here to meet me.

"A month before the entrance examination, Risette Norden had been reported missing by her roommate after 5 days of disappearance. When we had wanted to conduct the search effort, Risette Norden had been found by her classmates unconscious at one of the secluded rooms at the academy. After she had regained consciousness, we had asked her what had happened which she said that she had been assaulted by an unknown figure which cause her to lose her consciousness. We had wrote her story and doing some investigation about that but futile which cause us to end our investigation." Answered Kimberley.

After Kimberley had answered his question, Kanda had entered his focus state again as he thinks something before I can heard a device had rung which belonged to Kimberley.

I can see Kimberley had picked up her device and talking through it for awhile before she ended the call.

Kimberley had serious looks on her face before she say: "Student Akabane Raishin has been arrested as he had been suspected to be an accomplice for the "Cannibal Candy". Right now, he had been brought to the infirmary as he had been injured which he needs to be treat first before he had been sent to the cell."

I can see Kanda had got out from his state before he say: "Not good, he had been assaulted by Risette Norden where she is not the true Risette Norden and I could assume that this Risette Norden is the "Cannibal Candy"."

I had shocked expression when listened to Kanda's assumption where Kimberley also had the same expression as me which cause me to speak: "Impossible, Kanda. How is it our academy's Risette Norden is the "Cannibal Candy"?"

"I don't know, Char, but I need to see Raishin as he might knew about that and I will need your help again, Kimberley-san." Answered Kanda at me before he looks at Kimberley.

Kimberley nods her head before Kanda and others had followed her to see Raishin after Kanda said his farewell at me and I wish him to take good care of him.

After they had gone, I say: "Why don't you coming out from there? They had already gone from here."

After I had said that, I could sense a presence had came out from behind me which cause me to turn my body and looks at that presence.

When the presence coming closer and show its appearance at me, I could not help but to say: "Cannibal Candy"."


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