
Chapter 42 Good news, Preparation, Demonstration*

Hi guys, this is the next chapter.


In the morning, Kanda wakes up and separates himself from Manami as she tightly hugging him when they were sleeping last night after their vigorous activities.

"Manami, do you want to sleep more or want to follow me for breakfast?" Asked Kanda to her after he has finished taking a shower and changes to new clothes.

Manami lazily opens her eyes before said to him: "No...I'm still tired from last night's activities and I need extra sleep. Please tell Aoi and Eris that I couldn't follow them for today's training." She start to close her eyes again while hugging a pillow.

Kanda just shakes his head before kisses in her forehead which cause her to smile slightly before he goes downstairs to take his breakfast.

When he arrives at the dining table, he found that some of the people there have blushing looks on their face such as Aoi and the maids under Claris, Kio has dark circles on his eyes due to his lack of sleep, and Manami's mother just smiling at him.

As he sitting on the chair there, he asked: "What happened to you, Kio? You have this negative aura around yourself right now."

"You asked what had happened?! It's your fault! You know, Ichijou-san." Kio said to him angrily before continues: "Although I know it's your own business to do 'that kind of thing' but please...there is other people in the house.

"Hahaha, well...sorry about that, Kio." Kanda just laughed there.

"Um...Kanda, where is Manami? Why she not coming down for the breakfast?" Asked Aoi to him.

"Well..." Kanda scratches his cheek slightly before said: "I'm too intense in 'those activities' last night so she feels a bit tired to come down for the breakfast."

Hearing his answer, the face of Aoi and the maids except for Maya and Claris become as red as tomato where Manami's mother, Asami, just smirked at him.

(A/N: For now, the name for Manamis mother is Kinjou Asami which I just randomly gave her this name.)

They have finished their breakfast and they starts to do their own activities where Kio will go to his friend's house later, Eris and Aoi for their training routine, and Asami will go to her house to take some of her clothes and belongings while being escorted by two maids.

Kanda had been visited by Jack and Raven in the house where he called Antonia to come at his house.

Sitting in the living room where there is some tea and snacks on the table, Kanda looks at Raven and said: "So...why you two have visited me today? Is it about Madam J?"

"Yes. Although we still didn't know the place for her headquarter, we have found a suspicious place where we think that place is their production line for their weaponry. We have found this place due to Jack's information from her side." Replied her to him.

"That's a good news though a bit shame that we couldn't find her hiding place." Kanda said that while nods his face before continues: "Where is it, their production line had been located?"

Jack takes out a flash drive from her cleavage before puts it down on the table and said: "The location for that production line is inside that flash drive."

Kanda takes that flash drive and said: "Thanks for this information, Jack, though I still don't know why you keep this in your cleavage." He gives that thing to Antonia where she opens the file which shows the information about the enemies' weaponry production line.

"Kanda-niisan, I can see the location for that place is located in the Kushiro Province, Hokkaido where its about 1400 miles away from here." Informed Antonia to him after had seen the information.

"Ok, thank you, Antonia-chan." Kanda said to her while rubbing her head. He continues: "I thought that they will make their production close to their headquarters but we couldn't not ask for more as it already grateful that we knew about that place."

"What is your next order, Kanda-sama?" Raven asked him respectfully.

"Hmm..." Kanda thinks for a while before talking: "We need a transport to take us there quickly which maybe Antonia-chan can provide us that or I will ask to Captain Kuune later." He continues: "Next, we will bring a small amount of combatants for the mission as I want to make a quick attack on their weaponry's production line and sabotaged them."

"How many team you will bring for this mission, Kanda-sama?" Asked Raven to him.

"I think..." Kanda stops for a moment before continues: "There will be two teams where I and Maya will be a leader for each team. My team will consist of me, Claris, Raven, and another two battle maids from Antonia's. Maya team will have her, Hawk, Swallow, and another two experts from Catia or from your forces, Antonia-chan."

Everyone that involve in the mission nods at his explanation for the mission that will be done by them later.

"When will you start this mission?" Asked Jack at him.

"We will start the mission tomorrow at 8 in the morning. So, Antonia-chan, I hope that you can prepare our transportation and weapons for our mission as I will try asking Captain Kuune for their assistance. Just prepare them first so we could do the mission right away if she couldn't gives us her assistance." Answered Kanda before he looking at Antonia.

"Alright, Kanda-niisan." Antonia nods at him.

After that, Kanda goes to Catia's main ship with Raven where he looking for Aoi and Eris first to see their training and spends some time with them before looking for Kuune where he had been shown the way by Melwin in there as Raven goes to meet her friends.

Both of them arrived in front of Kuune's room and enters the room after they have been allowed by Kuune.

Kanda straightforward asking Kuune for her assistance where she has allowed him to use one of the spacecrafts from her side but without its weaponry as she said to him that they couldn't reveal their weaponry's technology to the residents on this planet which he understood her reasons. He gave his thanks to her and talking with her and Melwin for a while before he going back to the Earth with Raven while taking the spacecraft with them after Kanda gave his farewell to Eris and Aoi.

Raven take the spacecraft towards Antonia's place where they will depart for their mission tomorrow from her house. He goes to meet Antonia to see her preparation for their mission and told her about their transportation issue has been solved by Catia's assistance and left with the preparation for their equipments.

Their preparation have finally finished in the late evening where Kanda goes back to his house and found that the rest of the people already arrived in the house. Manami also can be seen sitting with her mother where she can be seen blushed when she talking with Asami.

The dinner had been prepared by Kanda due to Manami's persistence to show his boyfriend's cooking to her mother. He had been helped by the maids or can be said he showing them how to prepare a delicious dish where they make some notes from it.

Kuune, Durel, and Chaika come for dinner in the house where Chaika said to him that she had been waited for his cooking until now.

They started the dinner where Chaika just being delightful when she tasted his cooking which can be seen by her tail's movement. Asami also praises his cooking which makes Manami raises her breasts to show her pride though the one who has cooked for dinner is him.

They go to rest their bodies in their own room where Kanda stays with his girls inside his room and Asami said to him: "Ichijou-san, don't forget your protection when doing 'that thing' inside your room." Hearing her words, Manami slightly raises her voice to Asami while said: "Mum, don't say that!" Aoi, Eris, and Melwin have blush on their face while they going towards the room.

~Inside the room

Kanda can be seen hugging his girls where they just happily cuddle with him. Kanda looks gently at Melwin and said: "Melwin, I'm sorry that your turn will be postponed until tomorrow's mission has been completed."

"It's fine, Kanda. I could wait for you." Replied Melwin to him while smiling.

"No...It's not fine. I need to satisfy all my girls and I will not leave anyone behind." Kanda said seriously to her.

"Kanda, I think that you want to taste her tonight but couldn't because suddenly you have a mission." Manami suddenly interrupted in the conversation.

"Manami..." Kanda just weary on her words as he glance at her where Melwin has bright red on her face. He said: "Well...I couldn't not refuse her opinion on me as I also it's a bit pity I couldn't taste you tonight, Melwin."

Melwin's becomes more redder when hearing his words where she just hide her face on his chest.

"Although you couldn't do 'that' with her tonight, we can show her how well your package there so she can be ready during her turn later." Manami gave her idea to him.

"Manami...I have mission to be done tomorrow...I couldn't do this thing tonight." Kanda said to her.

"Just shut up, Kanda. Just show your 'thing' already." Manami said that to him before she pulls down his pants and show his underwear to the girls in the room where they can see under his underwear, there is huge monster slept inside it.

She slowly opens his pulls down his underwear and his little brother coming out where its smacking Manami's chin because angry to her for waking it up from its slumber.

Melwin has shocked expression on her face when she saw his little brother stood tall proudly. Manami bites her lips slightly as she felt aroused when had seen Kanda's little monster.

"Look Melwin, this is how well his package is. Don't you think so?" Manamj said that to Melwin where she unconsciously nods her head and said: "That's right." before realised her mistake and said: "N-No, Manami-san...I d-don't mean to say li-like that."

"Relax, Melwin. Just look at us first how we pleasure him. Eris, Aoi, please help me here." Manami said to Melwin before calling Eris and Aoi.

Eris and Aoi come closer to Manami's side before Aoi said: "What we need to do to help you, Manami?".

"We will use our mouths to help him release some of his white 'things' while showing the ropes towards Melwin." Manami explained.

Their face start to come closer towards his penis before their tongue licking around his penis where Eris and Manami licks at the side of his penis while Aoi at the head of his penis.

Eris and Aoi deliciously licking his penis where Manami start to lick at his body before slowly reaching at his mouth after undressing his shirt. Kanda and Manami kissing intensely where Melwin has blushed expression when had seen her sisters' intimate action on him.

After the kissing, Manami goes back to help Eris and Aoi sucking his penis where they take turn to pleasure him. Due to their intense work on his penis, he could feel his seed start to accumulate where he could release it anytime. He finally releasing his semen towards them where his semen landed on their face where they have happy expression when they feel his semen on their face.

Manami licks clean the semen on her lips before looking at the stunned Melwin while her face being covered by his white stuff. She said: "So, Melwin...Do you want to try the same thing to him? I think that Kanda will happy to see how will you pleasure him."

Melwin unconsciously moving her body towards them before looking at Kanda's penis where it still hard after had released its white stuff.


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