
Chapter 8 Compensation (Rewrite)

Night, at the highway.

Itokazu Maki can be seen driving a yellow car where she expertly maneuvering the car through the highway.

"Why she looked like some kind of cosplayer! Why didn't she look like something completely beyond imagination? The alien should be beings of pure thought, or silicone-based creatures with biological acceleration devices, or cyborgs, or existence with an exoskeleton that's radial-symmetric, or something like that!" Said Itokazu as she hits the car's steering wheel several times where she expressed her disappointment on Eris's appearance which different from her disillusionment of an alien.

"It's must something that would make you say, 'Ah, that's a messenger from outer space!' Ahh!! This makes me so frustrated!" Said Itokazu as she slammed her hand on the steering wheel before she quickly accelerated her car to reach her destination.

30 minutes later, she arrives at her destination where she entered an unknown place which looks like a bar and saw several people are checking and maintaining their guns in there.

"For Glorious First Contact!!!" Greeted Itokazu when she entered the room.

"For Glorious First Contact!" Replied one of the people which looks like a leader before he continues, "We will not allow humanity's first contact to be with being like that!"

Itokazu nods before she comes closer and says, "Are you, Toni? I'm Ender. I'm just to ask if the equipment for our operation are already being prepared yet?"

"Yes, I'm Toni, Ender. Don't worry about that as we already finished that just a while ago. We also had been ordered to carry out the operation as soon as possible." Replied Toni seriously.

"We will make another check-up for our preparation so there is no mishap during the mission later." Said Itokazu seriously.

Toni just nods before they busied themselves in checking their equipment before they placed all of that inside their transport vehicles.


Dinner at Kio's house.

"This is delicious! This is really delicious! What do you call this?" Said Eris as her tail moving around.

"We just call it yakiniku." Replied Kanda with a smile.

"The sweetness of the dark meat, the harmony which its toughness provides...And the rice's warmth, when you chew, mix it with the fat...It's the best! It's great! I'm so glad to come to Earth!" Described Eris with sparkle in her eyes.

Kio just laughs before says, "Well, welcome to Earth then, Eris. Just continue eating your dinner. We can take your later for an outing so you can eat any food later on."

"Sure. Thank you, everyone." Thanked Eris as she tries another food on the table.

They continue the dinner for an hour before the table has been cleaned up and Kio prepares some drinks with sweets as dessert.

"Why were you traveled through space, Eris?" Asked Kanda as they are currently relaxing at living room.

"Our race's primary objectives are to have fun while initiate relations with other planets. When it comes to our culture and genetic code, we've begun to reach an impasse." Answered Eris.

"An impasse?" Asked Kio as he not know the meaning of that word.

"It like a deadlock where no progress can be made especially for the planet that Eris came from." Replied Kanda.

"That's right, once your society has been stable for 70 000 years, you starts running out of things to change. So, we went to space and decided to open up relations with other races. That's what happened!" Nodded Eris as she explained.

The conversation continues for a while as Eris still mesmerized by those food she had found which she had eaten some of it during their conversation before they went to the bathroom to clean themselves.


In Manami's room where she still recording the conversations or activities which the people in Kio's house had made. Manami also talked with Jack while she still monitoring the house.

"So, what's our next move, JACK? When we can start our mission?" Asked Manami.

"Okinawa isn't exactly the easiest place to work. I'll devise a mission plan first. I'll be counting on your support later." Answered JACK.

"Ok, JACK. I will continue on monitoring our target." Said Manami as she focuses her sight on the recording device.


At the veranda in Kio's house after their had washed themselves.

Eris and Kio can be seen standing at the end of the veranda while leaning at veranda's fence and Kanda sitting on one of the chairs that been placed outside.

"Space Exploration, huh? I'm pretty jealous." Said Kio as he had a longing expression on his face.

"And why you think that, Kio?" Asked Kanda curiously.

"Well, the fact that Eris got such a wonderful job and I haven't found anything yet as there are not anything I'd want to do right now. Moreover, Manami-chan already decided to work at the military base when she graduated from school in the future."

"I'm not sure on how this planet's social structure works yet, but I think you'll be fine, Kio-san, as long as you don't give up." Encouraged Eris to Kio.

"Don't give up?" Said Kio as he blinks.

"Yup! Don't give up on looking, Kio. You may try on films industry as I knew you like making films. Just don't try making those films from your special 'hobbies'." Said Kanda while mentions Kio's hobby.

"Thank you, you two. Although your further comment is not necessary, Ichijou-san." Thanked Kio before he rebukes Kanda's words which cause him to laugh.

"Don't mind it, Kio-san." Eris said politely.

As they talking about Kio's circumferences, Eris suddenly had a realization in her mind where she suddenly turned her body towards the boys.

"Oh yeah...I guess I should compensate all of you..." Said Eris slowly.

"Compensate?" Asked the boys with confused looks.

As they perplexed by Eris's word, Eris continues, "You've really taken care of me for a while here. In your society, one always compensates another for services that had been provided, don't they?"

"Hmm, I'm not really sure." Said Kanda before turns to Kio and says, "Kio, what about you?"

"I also never heard anything like that." Kio shaked his head.

The boys questioned themselves about Eris's statement before they heard Eris continued with her talking and surprised with her next action.

"Until my people begin relations with yours, I can't use any of my currency so I'll have to pay you in another way." Eris said all of that slowly before her face starts redden up as she continues, "A-Acc-According to what I've read...in cases like this, you have to pay with your b-bo-body..."

Eris slowly opens up the button on her t-shirt all the way down before placing her hand at the side which emphasizes her massive breast where her cherry on her chest almost visible towards the boys.

"Eh???" Kio just perplexed on the current situation before Eris says, "O-Ou-Our reproductive systems are identical, so I think we should be compatible..."

"Hold on a second, Eris! Although I like to see how you want to compensate us, I want to ask first, where you've heard about this compensate things?" Stopped Kanda at Eris's movement.

Eris with confused looks says, "I see that's how it's handled in the magazines which I had found under Kio-san's bed."

Kanda just sighed while facepalmed at Eris's words before he looks at the embarrassed Kio and says, "I knew it...Kio, I had already talked about this, please save your 'special books' carefully as even Manami already knew where you'd save those things."

"No! It's not my fault that those can be found easily! And when Manami-chan came to my room?!" Said Kio in embarrassment.

Kanda shakes his head before turns to Eris and says, "Sorry, Eris. What you'd read...Just a work of fiction! Although it may be true, we don't really need that type of compensation normally. Please buttons up back your clothes, Eris."

Eris with surprised looks says, "What?! R-Re-Really? I'm relieved...I'm only sixteen cycles old, so I don't have any reproductive experience. I didn't know what to do."

After that experience, they laughs awkwardly before changes to laugh happily as they felt funny with that situation.

However, at another place where Manami had heard their conversation about the compensation. She cannot hold her anger before snapping the pen on her hand in half and comment on that.

"Scumbag! Sleaze!! Pervert Duo!!!" Cursed Manami as she continues her surveillance on them.


At Aoi's house where Aoi laid on her bed, she had lost in thought after she had received her assignment from Endou as she had a flashback when she had met Kanda for the first time.

*flashback starts and Aoi's POV*

In a sunny down, I walk around the neighborhood as I recently moving into this town where this is my new work place which had been ordered by my higher-ups.

As I walks around, I finally stop at the front of DVD rental shop and walking inside to see the merchandise there.

After 15 minutes of looking around, I finally decided to rent some of DVDs on the shelf such as the DVD front of me. While moving my hand towards that DVD, another hand also moving towards there and my hand has touched that hand. I quickly retract my hand before turns to see a boy with black eyes and short black hair. He can be seen wearing a black shirt and black jeans. The boy suddenly talking to me as we retracted our hands together.

"I'm sorry. Do you want this DVD? Here you go." Said the boy before he tries to give the DVD to me.

"N-Not at all. I'm fine." I quickly refuse his offer.

"Hahaha, relax." The boy laughed before he says, "Here, I will be giving it to you."

"No, it's alright. You can have it." I still refuse to accept the DVD from him before he forcefully passes the DVD on my hand.

"Just take it already. I will look at another DVD later. My name is Ichijou Kanda, you can call me Kanda. What's yours?" Said the boy with a smile before asking my name.

My face blushed when saw his smile before I say, "I'm Futaba Aoi and I recently moving here to this town. Nice to meet you and thank you for this DVD, Ichijou-kun."

"Hahaha, nice to meet you, Aoi-chan. I will go now. Meet you later, bye-bye." Said the boy before say his farewell.

"Bye bye, Ichijou-kun." I replied back before I saw that boy waved his hand towards me while smiling brightly with I waved back at him shyly before he has gone away.

"I hope that I can meet you again, Ichijou-kun." I said that silently before going towards the counter to rent the DVD and hoping the next encounter with that boy.

*flashback and POV ended*

Aoi comes back from her thought before she is sighing deeply.

"This is a dream. Just...a dream. I'm someone from another world that different from him and I couldn't hope for any normal relationship. I'm sorry, Ichijou-kun." Said Aoi weakly before she closes her eyes and enter the dreamland where she and the boy finally can be together.

On that night, black clouds can be seen in the sky which showed that something might be happened the next day.


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