
Looking death in the eye

"Nock...! Draw! Loose!!"

I was so happy to hear this words, we were some distance away from the Kos and his forces that pursued us and I can't even start to describe how happy I was for choosing the fastest riders to go with me.

Unfortunately I must admit that I underestimated the determination of Khal Aggro and his Khalasar.

We rode back like crazy, I was laughing most of the way back. Even Noya let her usual self go and made the sounds the Dothraki make when they charge at their enemies. Ser Bryce tried as well... once.

You must understand the thrill of what we did when thousands of furious screamers come after us with such a fury that you can almost split it with a sword.

For my three Blood riders this was the craziest thing they ever did, one mistake, one slip and it's all over, like balancing on a sharp blade.

Thanks to the surprises that we prepared beforehand and the sacks of caltrops that I had my men take with them to spread behind us when we run, we managed to gain some distance, enough for us to get back to our positions under my best archers cover.

The rest waited until we were out of the way to start raining arrows as the first line of defense we had prepared.

I hastily jumped down from Red's back and grabbed my bow from the legionnaire that was waiting for me.

I was very exited for the upcoming challenge, unfortunately... I had my first chance to see what we were dealing with it all it's majesty.

"By the Gods..." I just froze.

As far as my eyes could see there were Dothraki charging at us... I was before in a battle that had thousands involved but this... I wasn't ready for this...

I could only watch as the front of their attack fell down because of our caltrops and the small holes in the ground that we dig, but that was like a drop in an ocean, this didn't even slow them down. The next rider just felt like the first one, tripped by the one in the front... I assumed it would have a domino effect, no... it did not...

The next and the next just rode through it all leaving a red paste of what was left from the unlucky men, the simply squashed them under the thousands of hoofs like it's nothing.

Then the ones that were in the front fell again, this time to the ditch just in front of us, there was no way for them to get out, more and more started to pile up, I watched in terror, blood already drained from my face as the ditch was slowly filling with bodies, the painful neighs of dying horses, terrified screams of their riders as more and more filled the ditch.

Not one or two... this I could take... hundreds, thousands of painful cries...

They could not cross the ditch, there were still some of the Dothraki that chose to jump in just to leave their horses and climb the hill we made only to die by the spears of our shield wall.

"y L..d!" I was scared... really scared. Did I do the correct thing by challenging them like that?

"y L.r.!" We were not ready for this, I watched in a daze as arrows and crossbow bolts swished close to my head from behind me downing more of the attackers in front.

"My Lord!" I finally came back to reality when Gerold tackled me to the ground, I could see him wince from pain when an arrow lodged inside the space where his armor connected on his back.

The man just bit his teeth, grabbed me by my collar and pulled me up to my feet.

"Now is not the time my Lord! There is a battle to fight, you can think about it all you want when we get out of here... alive!" He punched my chest gently to encourage me and smiled.

He is right, it's not the time...

"Thank you Gerold..." I was to embarrassed to look at him, I froze like a fresh recruit, now I was so emotional that I used his name! That was the first time!

But now at least I can concentrate on what's important.

I left the man not even looking back, the shame was to fresh for me to face anyone now. Since Ser Hightower was here, then I'm sure that the rest of my guards and men saw me as well... Fuck!

I scolded myself for thinking how great of a warrior I am, the truth is... I'm still just a rookie, better then the normal ones, but still just a rookie...

Stopping next to an arrow bucket I started grabbing one after another and just nocking, drawing, aiming and letting loose. It was impossible to miss in the sea of the charging Dothraki.

One shot after the other men fell, out shield wall was holding for now, but there was no end to the waive of the enemies.

It was so loud, sound of broken spears, sword hitting the shield wall, arrows swishing over our heads and the screams of pain from both sides... madness...

I don't know how much time passed when the Dothraki stopped charging like crazy and started to organize each other looking for a way to brake through our defense.

Their archers returned fire from horseback speeding from our left to our right, I didn't even think how many shields were changed, how many arrows used, the wooden wall now looked like porcupine yet they didn't give up, they didn't ride to the other bridges, they just charged relentlessly with a crazed look in their eyes...

I looked back and saw the civilians dragging the wounded or dead away to the medics that were ready to save everyone that they could.

It was time.

"Ser Gerold!" I shouted with a sour throat, I didn't drink anything for the last few hours since the battle started.

"Ser Gerold!" I saw him looking at me.

I made a gesture with my hand and bloodied fingers from the bowstring and he got the message.

Next thing I knew a war horn sounded and the flag indicating heavy cavalry charge fluttered in the air.

Few minutes later I could hear the sound of heavy stomping, the earth started to shake and even the Dothraki archers looked around.

"Covering salvo!" The Elite commanders gave the orders to let loose the arrows to block the riders stationed a bit further to keep our forces safe as much as we can.

Arrow after arrow almost covered the sun when from our side there was a sound like a crush and we saw the Dothraki archers being literally catapulted in the air.

Next, an unstoppable force of my men in full armor cut through them like a hot knife through butter.

One after another felt from a lance, spear or sword giving us the moment we needed to catch our breath.

"My Lord, drink!" Bryce placed a water pouch in my hand, I bit my teeth as a stinging pain came from my bloodied, blue and green, bruised fingers.

"How are we doing Ser Bryce?" I asked before feeling the cold water refreshing my body like a stream of life.

"We're holding for now my Lord, the Elites are keeping the men in check, most of the rookies got used to the fighting and the rotation allows us to have always fresh men at the front." he didn't look so confident as his words.

"But?" I asked as he now had my full attention.

"But we can not keep it up my Lord, if they charge again like at the beginning or change the strategy we are done for..." he said never leaving his sight from the heavy cavalry that was now almost done with their charge.

"Let's hope that we hurt Khal Aggro's pride more than we hoped to..." I looked at the Dothraki forming for another charge.

I knew my hand needed some rest so I changed my position with a wounded crossbow man letting him go to the infirmary.

I laughed happily when he didn't want to leave his post even with an arrow in his shoulder, the medical stuff had to drag him away.

Small incident, but because it made us all laugh the atmosphere became a bit lighter.

Is it what they call looking death in the eye with a smile?

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