
Morning spar

When you entered the gardens you could hear the usual calmness disturbed by shouts and metal clinging.

Since it was early morning the curious servants gathered to watch what was going on since the soldiers standing guard did not react to the sounds.

They first saw three people surrounding a young shirtless, sweaty boy with a shield and a sword in his hands fighting the three soldiers or more like defending as he clearly did not have the time to return the attacks that rained down on him from each side.

"Don't loose your concentration!" I heard the shout of Ser Gerold before my instincts kicked in and I swiftly turned my face just for a training spear to pass it not more than a second later.

I wanted to shout that I will die if they do it like this but there was not time!

Because I broke my form for a second I felt a shield bash me from the side and I was pushed to my knee. I looked up and there was a sword already coming at me. Fuck!

I released my shield and rolled to the side and directly stood up with my sword in hand.

I could see three of my elite soldiers smirking at me.

I know they have incentives if they manage to "kill" me even if Ser Gerold denies this.

The first one had a big scutum shield and a long spear that the elites used, the second and the third had our normal heater shield and a sword.

I just finished my sparing with Noya and Ziz when Ser Gerold decided I will spar with one elite and two soldiers for my lesson of real combat. That was fucking unfair! I complained but he just said that life is unfair! I know that! I'm so pissed!

I can manage to keep in defending for some time but I never won! Not even once! Good thing that the people at least have a good show to watch.

Just a moment ago I've got distracted by Amelira coming with Elia and Ashara to watch. They all looked so sexy in the Dornish clothes! I could even make the darker part on their breasts under the see through silks! When there was a small hill formed from their nipples getting hard while I was looking I lost concentration for a second and here we are!

It doesn't help that every servant woman here is gorgeous and they seemed to be trying to make it a competitions who is more sexy and wears more revealing clothes!

Some of my soldiers look so happy, I'm sure they've got some last night! Bastards!

I really need to vent my resentment and have just the volunteers to help me with this.

"I will erase that smirks from your faces bastards!" I said and again concentrated on my fight.

"Well young lord. Maybe if you look less on tits and more on our weapons you will be able to." One of the soldiers said but I know it's a provocation... and truth.

I could see the second soldier opening his mouth to say something as well when on the corner of my eye I saw the elite moving thrusting his spear from my left.

He must've position himself when I spoke to the two in front. I really need to get more experience.

I leaned my ass back for it to pass just in front of my stomach, I grabbed it and pulled but he didn't even bulge! Fucking elites! There are only 100 of them from our infantry troops, but they are the equivalents of Praetorian Guard in old Rome.

It's useless to compete with him now, I first have to take care of the other two.

I felt him push me to the side in the direction of the other two with the spear I held.

I released the spear but the momentum is already there.

Everything slowed down, I could see the two soldiers moving. One with a swing from the top and the other with his shield covering them. They were trained really good that's for sure but they were slower than me.

I moved and dropped down on my knee after sidestepping to the right have only the shield soldier in front and block the view of the other two. I swung my sword aiming at his ankles but it was stopped by the shield that dropped down lower.

Fuck it!

I jumped closer and my right sword hand evaded his shield from the side while I slammed into him.

His sword was already going down when I did so but the force managed to destabilize him a bit.

He pushed the shield to the left but my wooden sword blade was already touching his forearm so I just pushed it harder and let him do the rest and like I thought.

"Jon, left arm unusable!" The voice of Ser Gerold came like a bliss after I moved pass him and swiped the sword again on the back of his knees always paying attention to the other two.

"Jon, cut behind the knees. Unmovable!" I could now breath out as there were two left.

I blocked the sword swing with my sword but the spear from behind him reached my shoulder as I couldn't evade it completely.

"Little lord left shoulder and arm unusable!" Fuck! I let my left arm swing to the side.

I parried the swing of the soldier to the left, then the next to the right. He must've let go of his guard when I've got "wounded" as he just started to play with me.

Moving around to block the sight of the elite I parried the strikes waiting for a chance and it came. He lowered his shield to far down. I came in fast and the tip of my sword touched under his left armpit in the direction of his heart.

"Rick dead!" I herd the sweet voice again and was now facing the elite. I can't find any opening!

I sidestepped but he's covered with that fucking large legion shield!

Nothing else to do than to charge.

I moved swiftly evading the spear and was ready to bash his shield when I heard.

"Young lord dead!" I looked back surprised. What! How?

I looked down and could see a dagger in my side! The bastard let go of the spear and took a dagger out!

"Fuck!" I was so furious! Even with me slowing down mode I can not beat the elites! "This sucks!" I was so frustrated but the people around us clapped.

"Don't worry young lord. You will get it sooner or later!" The elite said and smiled.

"Yeah... just prefer it to be sooner than later you know." I was grumpy when I helped Rick to his feet.

"My lord." Amelira came up to us. "That was a splendid spar, but I have news from the palace." I looked at her and wiped the sweat from my face.

"Since we are not dead yet I assume that Prince Doran agreed to meet with us?" I looked at the beauty and she nodded.

"It wasn't easy and I quote Prince Oberyn words. The Northern savages should be killed for what you did to Elia!" I smiled at her words. He will never change and that's the good think about him. I like how straightforward he is.

Doran on the other side disgusts me with his lack of decisiveness. There were so many good moments in the show to get revenge and expand his power but he was too weak to do so.

"When can we see them?" I said and gave the towel to a servant and grabbed the water from the tray.

"They invited you in the evening." She said and signaled the servants to clean after our spar and prepare a bath for me. I really like her.

"Good! Evening it is!" I looked behind the curtain where Elia and Ashara were standing before and smiled.

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