
Robert rebellion time 5 last

The Castle is under construction as is the new port and more ship building facilities, but after it's finished Winterfell will be like a kindergarten in comparison. It's not on the level of Harenhal but no one can afford to sustain that beast.

Ours will be one of the largest with multiple defense lines needing a small number of defenders to man them. I included some surprises for dragons as well, like Scorpions and Ballistas.

For the undead and potential sieges we will have stationary, rotating catapults that will be placed in important strategic positions. Will make it rain fire baby! Since The Castle is on a hill they can suck me!

When my mother asked why do we needed so many as they are damn expensive to make I sold her a dream about a white haired girl riding 3 dragons and I've got the green light.

Don't know how well will it all work, didn't have a chance to meet a dragon yet, so if you want to storm our castle then good luck to you.

With the money we've got from our businesses we opened a few new Inns and pleasure houses in other towns again, so we have a stable income from them every month.

I almost got my ass beaten red by my mom when I sang at the breakfast "That I'm a motherfuckin' P.I.M.P...".

I don't know how my mom does it and I don't ask, but she's a damn management magician to organize all of it in such a short time.

People here are idiots! Why? Let me explain.

When people saw our new, innovative buildings they flocked right in! Since we painted outside and inside with a yellow paint as per our house colors, and they are bigger with glass windows, higher and more comfortable on the inside.

With the add on of heating that we provide using hardwood blocks and the comfortable mattresses, pillows and fur blankets plus a new model of service copied from my world by yours truly, even princes and princesses prefer to stay with us!

Now that we are getting financially stable we melted some gold and silver to produce our loyalty cards. You can use our establishments for free with one. My grandpa and grandma and my moms family has on each.

Helps to build cohesion with them as I don't want to fight my blood in the future! One person per card and if the person looses it or dies then that's that or if I decide differently.

Each card has a number and every manager has a secret list of people who has one so I can spy on their whereabouts and behavior. My employees will report to me if the person makes trouble young master style.

There is additionally a special gold one with diamonds but that's just for me and my mom for now.

Which reminds me I need to speak with Dorne to start a glass factory there.

I know that even in King's landing we have 7 inns and 9 Pleasure houses! It was cheap after the Lanisters sacked the city. Fuck you Littlefinger! Better stay in Gulltown you bastard.

Not bad for only more than a year huh?!

Now to our fleet. We have 31 Carrack with 3 masts that sail all the time and 3 Dromons that just train and protect our port.

The trick with skin changers works beautifully so we take half the time needed to travel than the normal ships with one skin changer present on each and only the captains that are our trusted men and women know about him, the sailors think that my house is blessed by Rhoynar Water Godes since they only do so at night.

We made a special harness with reinforced ropes that possessed beast grabs into its mouth.

You asked how it works? The line won't hold? Magic! You don't believe me? Prove me wrong in a world where there are undead, dragons, magic, giants and fucking unicorns! You can't? Then don't ask! It just works!

I even have my own larger carrack "Sea Glory" that I ordered for myself with higher number of Scorpions installed for defense then the normal ones have.

It can fit 2/3 more people and cargo as well. You should see it! 4 big masts like the rest but bigger, with our Coat of arms on the sails, made my heart beat faster the first time I saw her!

50 meters beast with seven decks, 700 crew members and still space for my entourage, cargo that can carry 900 tons. It was expensive as hell but worth it!

I asked my mother to prioritize the trading fleet and it worked!

Just in case, we've got an experience ex sailors and captains from the Reach and house Harlow to train our sailors and marines. You can say what you want about Ironborn but they are fantastic sailors and fighters at the sea.

After they understood how to fight as soldiers in formation I'm not afraid of any fleet in Westeros!

The Ironborns are keeping quiet for now after their failed attack in the Reach afraid to be implemented in all this shit with rebellion.

We are regularly exchanging letters between me and Lord Rodrik and I'm sending him any interesting books I get my hands on from time to time and he sends us back thralls when they had a successful raid.

Not the new ones, the ones that served them for years already. The books are probably the reason why he sells me the thralls cheap and gave me the experienced sailors.

You might wonder why I speak about this so calmly when the whole kingdom was burning? Easy.

North is not affected at all, and since I want my stepfather to follow in my father footsteps I just sit and wait.

My mother was really sad after my real fathers death. It was so hard to look at her... I wander how she will react after the news from the Tower of Joy come... Sorry mom, it has to be done.

If I would save my stepfather then I would loose everything I worked so hard for in case he gets a son later. Easy choice right? It helps that I saw the man only few times in my life and he despises me for not being his true born.

Now that I say it, I saw my real father not more than my stepfather. Men.

Doesn't bother me much, my mother is everything I need. The woman is nothing less than an angel to me, but if you cross her...

Let's just say that one spy that wanted to kidnap me finished playing with 4 horses at the same time.

The ripped body left blood stains going four different directions of the Barrowton square.

Unfortunately thanks to that I now have 10 loyal and experienced guards with me at all almost times. What am I the prince? I'm just praying not to change into that spoiled cunt Joeffrey.

I still can't learn the sword or riding as I'm too small, I will start combat lessons when I'm seven but until then I work on forms. The reason why smaller children are not thought sword is because they don't have the mentality for it. It's like giving a child a grenade, then there is the potential damage to head and hands when you're hit. But with careful instructors it's alright.

Either way I practice with a "stick" whenever our guards train and I have to say it feels great even if they laugh at me! It's like the custom made wooden sword is a part of my body!

More importantly with more money we managed to lure experienced ex sell swords and knights who wanted to settle down as instructors and the level of our troops was upgraded and by a lot. No wonder since all of them are rebellion survivors that lived through Trident battlefield.

Since my stepfather took the old guards with him on Robert's crusade and those that stayed are no more than glorified police men in times of peace comparing their jobs to my old world.

As per my previous predictions the ships we hastily hired to travel around ports and bring everyone willing to move here because of the war worked splendidly. Additionally my mom payed the House Frey to let anyone who wants to come to our land pass.

The number of our farmers and artisans increases about 7 times as did the normal population.

We won't have to order our ship parts in other cities anymore and will be able to build everything ourselves so that's great as it costed too much.

We still use the normal ships we bought and still will for sometime as I have other plans for my fleet.

I'm planning to take my fleet to the east for spices run and I want to see the world! When can you find a better time for it than now?

My mother will object but I already have my plan for that! Yes! A dream again! Since I prophesied the rebellion not long after Harrenhal she believes in everything I say!

We now have 47 peasant skin changers old and new and 3 wargs working for us that we've saved from all around Westeros!

You say it's a lot? Imagine Westeros being the size of South America in my previous world.

We increased our efforts in this field and send out everyone we trusted and could spare to look for them. In the future I will have my people in our establishments doing that.

The wargs are learning from my mom to be my personal guards in the future. Two are even Free folk who snuck from beyond the wall.

I'm still aiming to have the number of carracks before we leave the same as them so 50.

The trip there and back should take about 1-2 years or maybe more we have to prepare better. I can't loose time on anything else even if the trip will be in a year or two we have to be ready! It won't be easy for my mom.

More so since I will take some experienced people that are now helping her.

I want them to teach me languages and fighting as I will turn 6-7 and possibly 8 during the trip.

Next chapter