
Paula and Marty's story

Walled either side, with golden rocks that would burn soft skin, Marty ventured down a winding channel as he lay back in a smooth and slightly bumped valley. When he looked left and right he could see lead cased lights of stark crystal. A grey, hazy and matte sky merged with the top of the tall, imposing walls on both sides. As he slid, he meandered from one wall to the other and occasionally spun a full rotation somehow failing to crash into a solid- jagged cliff-face. For one minute he pondered an inevitable abyss. Downwards he rode, numbly and unknowing.

The slide flattened out, as it approached an opening between medieval-style walls which encircled an expansive clearing. Marty almost flew over a narrow ledge, lying on his front and facing where he had abruptly ventured, before Paula grabbed him by both wrists.

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