
Mr. Handsome and feels

Chapter 3


"Your highness, I'll just look for her address." I lifted my head from the paper work I was doing and met Milly’s usual painted face, over-painted at that, heavy lipstick, too much foundation, and eyeliners, just the usual. Her brown eyes locked into mine questioningly but emotionless- as usual.

"No need Milly, you don't have to rush!" I told her with my commanding yet friendly tone. She really didn't have to do that, I really want to look after my queen...well, my queens, myself.

The day has risen with a friendly sun and the night before was a happy one. I woke up feeling alive again, a feeling I lost two hundred years ago.

Mine and Audrey’s relationship was short lived, it lasted only three months. That was centuries ago. I met Samantha after fifty years of losing Audrey and then met Erika one hundred years after losing Samantha. When Samantha first introduced herself to me, oh god, I was such a jerk to her. But you can’t blame me. What do you do when someone suddenly shows up and claims to be a custos, a keeper of your dead fiancé? Call them crazy, right? Or laugh at them with your boys and tell them to go home before it gets late. But then I came to realize the similarities and the odds. The saddest part is I didn’t even get a chance to treat her better as our time together was cut short. Audrey...my heart has been swayed again. There is definitely no need to look for her as if it's a group of investigators searching for a jack, but I also have no chance to confine in fate... a few months to go! Was it going to happen again?

"I'll just go for a walk." I declared standing up from my chair

"Fine, your Highness. We have work, lots of it. Hurry back, huh?" she said coyly. I internally scoffed she must have done that with Wade thirty minutes ago.

"Sure, when did you like work so bad?" I commented. I know that Milly is trying to flirt with me but I just have got no place for her now, not that I ever did. Plus she is just a friend and I don’t do friends. One hand in my pocket, I snapped my fingers, disappeared into thin air and re-appeared outside my mansion. The perks of being a vampire and a loyal prince at that.

I strolled through Alaska streets my mind somewhere else. There weren’t many people in the streets and thin layers of ice that covered the barks of street made the streets quitter. It is not like I can’t be anywhere else other than Alaska. Money works, you know? But lord, 3 months. It's so funny how my light dimes as soon as it lights. I didn't know how much space I had covered when I bumped into somebody and that person dropped her things, probably from how strong I was. I crouched down to give her a hand.


I looked up slowly from a pair of strong hands with veins branching on their back, to a face and let me tell you, this is one of those faces that bring down the stars. Whew that's too much? This is one visionary face, Mr. Handsome. Wait I know this face...face, café. HOLY Audrey's man!

I recall what happened last time we met, me running away. Then, I didn’t even check if he followed me or not, I just sprinted away like a crazy woman. I really don't want to remember that unfeminine moment.

Our eyes locked and he seemed to be looking deep into mine? Does he look mesmerized or is it my weird self, seeing things? We stare at each other for a moment. Before I thought his eyes were dark green but now looking at them closer, they are actually emerald green. He had a straight nose, and squared-strong jawline.

H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E. Whatever

Okay so this is awkward. What do I say, what do I even call him? Do I go 'Hiya dude' and give him a big up? Pfft. Nah, I'm not doing that.


Nope, I hate touchy people.

"Hello" he said getting me out of my awkward thoughts. Did I tell you something before, and then let me tell you something else. This man has that deep ass voice that calls for attention.

"Hi." I...wait, is it me who squeaked? No way! This is getting out of hand! I mean duh, he is just another man; all of them are the same. Well, except Mr. Maines. And the fact that my emotions are getting uncontrollable isn't helping at all.

"Nice to meet you again."

Wow he is not seeing me, is he? What's the problem? I might be feeling my pride a wee bit bruised but I shook it off.

"Audrey is happy, very happy to meet you again too but I'm afraid it's the first time for me seeing you." I know that sounds like 'Brah, boy as if' but I am not taking that back. Now that I talked about it, Audrey is really happy and I'm really... relieved?

"Sorry, my bad." I said tucking a strand of my braided hair behind my ear. I might not be feeling that sorry but it is way better to avoid conflicts.

"No need to be, my fault actually." He said with a little smile, little enough to make no change but enough to make his face glow. I raised an eyebrow at him. Okay.

"I'm Alarcus MacQuinn, by the way." he said sounding way friendlier than before. He looked at me like he was studying me as he grinned wider revealing a set of well-lined stainless white teeth. Audrey may or may not almost have got a heart attack.

"I see, nice to meet you, again." I nodded at him. What?! Why does he keep on staring at me? That's all I can gather! Is there something he wants to know? It's his fault that my brain can't work right! Because his smile is making Audrey catch feels and in return I can't get any peace, not in my head, not in my heart because it's beating like crazy even though I'm trying to get it together. And definitely not in my stomach because I feel butterflies going free in my belly. I know we are such a complex, hahaha, never mind.

"So do you mind to share?" came his voice, taking me out of my train of thoughts. Did I say that his voice calls for attention? Yeah, I think I did.

"Oh yeah, my bad." I said tacking my hair behind my ear. He looked at me with...realizing eyes? Nope boy, don’t go there, this just a habit. Some men tell me that I'm being coy and all that brah brah. Gah!

"My name is namesake." He looked at me with amused yet confused eyes. Oh, sometimes I tend to say out loud my thoughts, but us being namesakes makes sense! Oh right, not to him.

"My name is Amare Lilia Quinn." his eyebrows shoot up and his mouth made an 'oh' sound. See, namesakes!

"Beautiful name, Lilia."

"Not close to yours, Sophisticated, I may put it." His two eyebrows shoot up in unison. My confession surprises him as much as it surprises me. I'm not open to many men except those close to me, very close. Who are really few? You see, I'm pretty much an awkward person.

Speaking of awkward, oops Liza! Sorry my bestie. She looks really awkward right now. Gosh, she is going to kill me after this.

"Ooh this is Liza, my friend." I say smiling at her apologetically. I'm such a sorry girl. Look at me losing it already. "Our friend actually."

"Hi Liza." He said with that small smile. I'm not the greatest judge of character but probably not the worst. I think he is a bit nice, and understanding? I admit I'm thankful for the fact that he is not one to rush things and well, you know, get all touchy and that stuff. That doesn't change the fact that I don't trust him though.

"You can call me Liz, that's what they use, sir." Liz said friendly, yet respectful and enthusiastic

"Liz" I called her warningly with a frown. Audrey took over. Oh I so hate this. There is no use in telling that I do, after so much telling I gave up!

"I'm sorry but we have to go now." I announced, I so need to get out of here. I wish I could have run away like last time. But no, dad didn't raise a runaway nor a sorry girl. So why should I be on the run all the goddamn time.

Hey don't leave just yet!

I'm pretty sure I'm being easy to him because of you anyway; he would have got in trouble by now.

"Sure see you." He simply said before giving me a relieved smile. "It's really nice to meet you."

Is it? Well he just said it is!

Not that you dumbass. I think I'm glad to meet him too? My gosh, you are the most undecided girl I've ever seen.

And you are the most unhelpful!

"Me too, I'm glad to meet you too." I said sincerely trying to not to avoid his gaze. I'm not shy. But I may be very nervous right now. Another reason to run away.

"My address?" Audrey shut up. "Never mind" I said while all that I really wanted to do was hide.

Look here kid I'm being helpful

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