

They are beautiful,

But they are wounded.

Shining in the moonlight

Is a bouquet of lovely flowers,

Blessing the sight of their admirers.

They are beautiful,

But love let them down,

Now they are wilting.

Their light dimmed

But they never lost their sparkle.

At the crack of dawn, a black beautiful girl with big blue baby eyes, Amare was running in a dense forest, its giant trees gave birth to huge roots which snaked through the ground and pierced through the surface like savage alligators making it even harder for her. The people chasing her were having a hard time catching her even though she looked like some weak girl to the eye. She looked like shit but this wasn't the time for a beauty checkup! She tripped on something, probably some fallen tree lying on the ground, and fell down winning addition of bruises on her beautiful skin. Panting and moaning, she forced her wobble legs to carry her further away from the shuffling bushes as the people behind her disrupted the peace of the forest. It has been a long run and people behind her were catching up with her.

Nevertheless, she kept running tirelessly, she was such a person. Few months ago when she finally met her knight, the one who was to protect her she thought she was finally safe. But when darkness and light collided, the light dimmed drawing the sun off her horizon, now nothing can lighten up her night, not even her knight. The present was a mess. Maybe she should not have let their warmth deceive her, she shouldn’t have let it slip when that flame started glowing within her, shouldn’t have let her heart shrink into his property beating only for his presence. Because here she was, running in circles and everything had collapsed as if she was reliving her nightmares.

Please don’t let it be today.

She cried in her mind, if there was a god above; please don’t let it be today.

"Geez" she exclaimed as she slipped and rolled down the harsh surface of the forest crushing against roots and stones and landed on a black-road with the forest running on the either side of it. Swallowing the pain shooting through every corner of her body, she stood up and started running again making sure to stick to the side of the road. Her energy let her down, it had been two long days and now she had nothing to hold on to, she fell down and couldn't get up anymore.

Alarcus, help me. Anyone please!

She made a silent plea in her mind afraid to make a single sound now that she could hear loud noises as the men were getting closer. She awaited death, one that others got.

But then she was up in the air, held by strong arms, she couldn't even see the face but whatever. She knew she was safe and she was!


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