
I have a date!

I was pretty much shaken by the intense moment I just had with Mr. Smith, which was odious. My mind is jumbled up, trying to comprehend what just happened.

He was acting weird, I was fretful when I saw him, I was expecting him to go gaga about his missing punching bag, when he raised his fist my throat clogged, I thought he was going to use me as a punching bag instead. but he rather bumps his fist to the wall and let out a growl. His attitude was complex and the dark look in his eyes frightened me.

A warning voice echoing in my mind made me bolt away from him. Every moment with him makes my heart race at a fast odious pace leaving me feeling ruffled. He looks like a forbidden fruit I need to stay away from.

Mr. Smith's chauffeur was standing outside, he was on the phone that he didn't notice I greeted him. He is muscularly built like a wrestler. He looks very scary. I'm not amused at all, someone stone-cold as Mr. Smith will employ service of men like him to add an appeal to his cold, disdain image.

Now I got to find my means of transport.

I want to order for Uber, but I'm still quite broke.

"Miss April going out?" The chauffeur called out

I nodded

He walked to the Maserati Alfieri car that was parked in front of the Mansion, he opened the car door. I frowned. This is Mr. Smith's car. Not again! another favorite toy of his, I've pissed him enough already.

"Oh no need, I will order for a Uber"

"Mrs. Smith personally assigned me to be your driver"

This is too much, Why is she giving me all this? She barely knows me. It's like she is my fairy godmother or something.

I decided to take the chance, it going to be awesome to drive in a Maserati Alfieri car. I'm not going to let this opportunity slip. I shrugged. How bad can Mr. Smith get back at me?


I entered the car, This going to be one hell of an adventure.

"Where to Miss?"

"Mace night club" Since the bar, I went to the other day didn't yield results.

I'm certain there will be people who know AJ at this nightclub. I was so frustrated the other day I forget to go there.

"Okay madam"

It was a long hour drive." We have arrived madam" The chauffeur announced.

I glanced at my phone, it was 9 pm.

Too early to be at a club on a Friday night that is cool though, the fewer people the better.


He opened the car door.

I stepped out feeling like cinderella going to the ball.

I was welcome with cold chilly air. I wish I had brought a jacket along.

I shivered a little.

I walked in. I was wrong the club was packed. Electronic music filled up the room making my head throb a little.

I maneuvered my way through the swaying crowd of people. I walked past the VIP lounge, I felt the hot stares and gawking eyes of the men around. I felt quite uncomfortable, paying no attention to those perverts. My chin was high as I walked confidently straight ahead.

My eyes widened when I saw the same bartender at the bar the other day.

Our eyes met and his eyes flashed with surprise.

He smiled.

I walked up to the counter and sat on a stool.

"We meet again," he said sizing me up. His lips pursed and ease into a smile

"I'm astonished to see you here," I said

"The day you saw me was my last day at the bar, today is my first day " he replied.

I chuckled

" Really what a coincidence" I laughed

"Kidding, my third night here" he grinned.

"I'm surprised to see you here," he said

"Hunting for AJ again? damn baby, all this gorgeousness for that guy, you are ripping my heart off" he playfully placed his hand on his chest.

I laughed out loud and let out a girlish giggle.

He is quite funny.

I run my hands through my hair and shrugged.

" Sorry for the other day. I was in a cranky mood and treated you badly, I have been dying to see you again to offer an apology." he smiled sadly.

"It not a big deal. It was your last day and if I was in shoes I will be grumpy as well." I chuckled.

"Excuse, a glass of whiskey" a gorgeous looking blonde called his attention

He nods.

He served her with the liquor, she batted her eyes flirtatiously at him. He ignores her shifting his attention back to me.

The blonde glares at me and walked away. I rolled my eyes.

I was stunned, that was a sexy blonde with all her cleavage showing, he just choose to ignore her, He must be gay.

"Whiskey?" he asked.

I shook my head, alcohol is a no for me, and I got no money to pay for it.

He placed a cocktail in front of me.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, this a strawberry mojitos, it's on me" he winks at me.

I took a sip. It tastes nice, hmm I like it.

"AJ was released yesterday" he suddenly said.

I nearly spit out my drink.

" Really" I sighed in relief.

"Yep, I ask one of his clients about him and got this information."

And he didn't give me a ring, I'm going to kill him

"I'm glad, I was so worried about him"

"Thanks for informing I'm so grateful"

I stood up ready to go see AJ.

"Not so fast beautiful"

I blushed.

" Have been dying to see your pretty face since that night, I thank my Lucky Stars I saw you tonight. I'm not letting you go without knowing your name, beautiful" he smiled.

I laughed softly and blushed.


" I'm Elliot" jeez why is every bartender called Elliot or Jake.

He took my hand and kissed it.

" Nice to meet you April" I blush, quite the gentlemen.

"You are a painter," he asked.

His gaze fell on the paint stain on my left index finger.

Why didn't I notice it?

I shyly wriggled my hand free from his grasp gently.

" Yes "

"Wow that is sexy"

I giggled at his cheesy words.

This guy is a total flirt.

"Let me buy you dinner some other time" he offers.

" No need, I hold no grudge against you. You don't have to try to make it up to me" I declined.

He frowns."April it a date"

huh? he is asking me out? whoa, I didn't see this coming. Nope totally not gay. He laughed seeing the reaction on my face.

I examine him. He has cute lips, hazel green eyes with gorgeous brown hair. He is tall but leans with muscles not broad as Mr. Smith, my mind flashes to how his torso and muscles look divine and hot in the T-shirt he was wearing.

Oh gosh, why am I thinking of that cocky bully when I got a fine specimen standing in front of me.

" Hope you are not taken," he said

" No, I'm single"

"Great" he winks at me.

"Okay, it's a date" I winked back at him.

He took my phone and type his number, he called and he got mine.

He smiled "I will call you"

"Time to go, untill we meet again," I said.

I made James drive me straight from the nightclub to AJ's apartment.

I was so eager to see him, I miss that dude like crazy.

The drive was short and soon we were at the apartment.

I stepped out with enthusiasm

I caught a glimpse of AJ coming out of his apartment. His gaze landed on me and his mouth hang open.


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